Translate into Spanish: The cat drank milk.
What is: El gato bebió/tomó la leche.
If you were to translate this sentence into Spanish would it be preterite or imperfect? And give a reason why: I used to play.
What is imperfect tense - Key words: used to or a repeated past action.
Conjugate abrir in the yo form in the preterit
What is abrí.
Conjugate hablar in the ellos, ellas, ustedes form in the imperfect tense
What is hablaban.
What is the word for yesterday in Spanish?
What is ayer.
Translate into Spanish: I used to play baseball.
What is: Yo jugaba al béisbol.
If you were to translate this sentence into spanish would it be preterite or imperfect? And give a reason why: I went to the party Sunday.
What is Preterite tense Reason - Event completed (check mark, on timeline) in past at a certain time
Conjugate ser in the yo form in the preterit
What is fui
Conjugate leer in the yo form in the imperfect tense
What is leía.
How do you say never in Spanish?
What is nunca.
Translate into Spanish: I went to the movies Monday.
What is: Yo fui al cine el lunes.
If you were to translate this sentence into Spanish would it be preterit or imperfect? And give a reason why. My mom asked me if I like scary movies.
What is Preterite tense Reason - Completed action
Conjugate tener in the él, ella, Usted form in the preterit (hint: irregular)
What is tuvo
Conjugate mirar in the tú form in the imperfect tense
What is mirabas
How do you say last week in Spanish?
What is semana pasada.
Translate into Spanish: I saw the cat, it was eating the food.
What is: Yo vi el gato, comía/estaba comiendo la comida.
If you were to translate this sentence into Spanish would it be preterit or imperfect? And then give a reason why. It was cold outside.
What is Imperfect tense Reason - weather
Conjugate tocar in the nosotros form in the preterite
What is tocamos
Conjugate querer in the nosotros form in the imperfect tense
What is queríamos.
What does "a veces" mean in English?
What is sometimes.
Translate into Spanish: When he was 5 he used to live in New York.
What is Cuando él tenía cinco años vivía en Nueva York.
If you were to translate this sentence into Spanish would it be preterit or imperfect? And then give a reason why. I was eating a banana and then my cell phone rang. (Two verbs and two reasons)
What is Imprefect tense Reason - key ending -ing 2nd verb Preterite tense Reason - Interruption
Conjugate llegar in the yo form in the preterite
What is llegué
Conjugate ver in the tú form in the imperfect tense
What is veías.
What is "last year" in Spanish?
What is el año pasado