palabras de contexto
verbos regulares
verbos irregulares
tercera persona cambios
grab bag

This word is added to the end of a context word to mean last.

What is pasado/a


These 2 types of verbs do not have stem changes in Preterite. Think of the 3 type of endings that Spanish verbs have.

What are AR and ER verbs


These two verbs share the same conjugation in the past tense. They are ... and the conjugations are...

What is Ser/Ir and fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisties, fueron.


This type of verb is the only verb that has a stem change in Preterit tense.

What is IR verb.


The verbs Conducir, Producir and Traducir will have to change the C at the end of their stems to this letter before putting on the preterit endings.

What is the letter J.


Say 2 context words that start with the letter A. They mean...

What is Anoche, last night, ayer, yesterday, anteayer, day before yesterday.


These types of verbs have a spelling change only in the Yo. The verbs and changes are...

What is CAR qué, GAR gué, ZAR cé.


One thing that irregular Preterit verbs do not have but regular do is...

What is accents


The stem change in preterite tense will be only 1 letter to 1 letter. What letters will third person dormir and third person mentir change to

What is O to U and E to I.


Say 2 ways I walked. One using a regular verb and the other an irregular verb.

What is caminé and anduve.


What is the formula that would mean AGO?

What is Hace + number + time referent.


Conocer has a different meaning in the past compared to present. Tell what each sentence means. Yo conozco a Juan. Yo conocí a Juan.

What is I know John. I met John.


This cheer can help you remember the irregular stems for preterit. Say it in total.

What is Pus, Pud, Vin, Sup, etc.


Although not considered a slipper or sole verb, what other verbs have a change in third person? What do you change to comply with Spanish grammar rules?

What is Verbs that have stems that end in a vowel. You change the ending I to Y.


What are the 3 reasons to use the preterit tense as a past tense.

What is Action,  to point out the time, and to tell the length of time an action happened.


Traduce en inglés. Yo limpié la sala hace 2 días y mi mamá recogió las toallas en el baño esta mañana.

What is I cleaned the living room 2 days ago and my mother picked up the towels in the bathroom this morning.


Traduce en inglés: Yo corrí, mis hermanos caminaron, y tú montaste tu bicicleta a la escuela.

What is I ran, my brothers walked and you rode your bike to school.


Traduce: Yo hice mi tarea, puse la mesa, y fui al cine con todos mis amigos sin Paco. Paco no pudo ir.

What is I did my homework, set the table and went to the movies with all of my friends without Paco. Paco couldn't go.


Traduce en inglés. Paco mintió cuando él dijo que leyó el libro.

What is Paco lied when he said that he read the book.


Traduce en inglés. Anoche fui el partido de baloncesto. Fue aburrido. Usualmente es muy divertido.

What is last night I went to the basketball game. It was boring. Ususally it is fun.


Traduce en español.: We played baseball last weekend. My sister played a week ago.

What is Jugamos al beisbol el fin de semana pasado. Mi hermana jugó hace una semana. 


Traduce en español: Mrs. Mathews wrote the lesson on the board and then (entonces) she sang Happy Birthday.

What is La Sra. Mateos escribió la lección en la pizarra y entonce cantó Feliz Cumpelaños.


Traduce en español. They knew (found out) that we did not tell the truth.

What is Ellos supieron que no dijimos la verdad.


Traduce en español. They asked for directions (las direcciónes) and they followed them.

What is Piderion las direcciónes y las siguerion.


Traduce en español. I took out the trash and put it in the garage.

What is Saqué la basura y la puse en el garage.
