Maximizing Effects
Seven Rules

1.  Amount of read-aloud time.

2.  Choice of text.

3.  Method of read-aloud.

4.  Fit of read-aloud in the curriculum.

What are the 4 things the teacher must consider?


1.  Dialogic reading

2.  Text talk

3.  Print-referencing

What are the three research-based read-aloud methods?


1.  Students are more motivated to read when the reading tasks and activities are relevant to their lives. 

2.  More access to a wide range of reading materials

3.  Ample opportunities to engage in sustained reading. 

4.   Choices in what they read and how they engage in/complete literary tasks.

5.  Opportunities to socially interact with others about the text they are reading.

6.  Have opportunities to be successful with challenging texts

7.  When classroom incentives reflect the value and importance of reading.

What are the seven rules of engagement?


1)  Identification of a goal

2)  Development of means and strategies for achievement of that goal: a plan of action

3)  Refinement of plan until goal is attained

What is motivation?


The Magic Hat by Malcolm Mitchell

What is the book "the bookish football star" wrote?


1) Amount of read-aloud time

2) Choice of text

3) Method of read-aloud

4) Fit of read aloud in the curriculum.

5)  One area of the classroom being the read-aloud area, comfortable and inviting, plenty of time for adult-child book reading, strong connections between home and classroom read-aloud activities

What are the 5 things that teachers must consider to maximize the effectiveness of read-alouds?


1) Encourage child to be active learner during reading  

2) Providing feedback that models more sophisticated talking 

3) Challenging the child’s knowledge and skills by raising complexity of the conversation to level just above current ability.

What is dialogic reading?


Helps motivate students to read in a variety of ways.  Talking or writing about what has been read, reading with others, borrowing and sharing books with others, talking about books with others in class, share writing about books with others.

How does social interaction help with motivating kids to read?


... to engage in an activity as a means to an end.  Individuals who are extrinsically motivated work on tasks because they believe that participation will result in desirable outcomes such as a reward, teacher praise, or avoidance of punishment.

What is extrinsic motivation?


Is a strategy in which a teacher sets aside time to read orally to students on a consistent basis from texts above their independent reading level but at their listening level.

What is a read-aloud?


-Immediate talk-answering literal questions and labeling pictures

-Non-immediate talk- Beyond text- discussions of word meanings, predictions, inferences, relating the text to personal experiences.  

"Dickinson and Tabors (2001) suggested that teachers and parents should engage children in both immediate and non-immediate talk." 

What is immediate talk?  What is non-immediate talk?


Focuses on vocabulary development. Read story aloud then have discussion with children, learn words that are unfamiliar, learning these words becomes focus of lesson.

What is text talk?


Help students pick appropriate books for their reading level by letting them pick from 4 or 5 options.

What is bounded choice?


... to engage in an activity for its own sake. People who are intrinsically motivated work on tasks because they find them enjoyable.

What is intrinsic motivation?


-She highlighted places to stop, question, make predictions, or make connections. 

-She asked the students questions, had them do “think – alouds”.

-Had discussion questions ready.

-Had (probably) practiced reading the selection using gestures and voice intonation.

In the Repeated Read-Aloud clip we watched on Tuesday, how did the teacher use read-aloud time to teach students and keep them engaged?


Reading aloud enhances child’s vocabulary, comprehension, listening skills, recognize words, syntactic growth.

Example) Learning about frogs in science, read a book about frogs.

How does reading aloud help kids learn to read?

Give an example of how you can reach multiple teaching goals reading aloud to your students.


Verbal:  commenting on or questions about print

Nonverbal: pointing to words while reading

What is the difference between verbal and nonverbal cues in print referencing?


-Allows them to take responsibility/ownership for their learning.

-Choice supports intrinsic motivation.

Why is it important to let kids choose what books they read?


1) Create a Literate Environment

2) Know your students

3) Know yourself and your attitudes toward literacy.

4) Consider motivational concepts when planning instruction

5) Praise students and give feedback.

How can we foster intrinsic motivation in our students?


-Give praise when your student accomplishes a specific task

-Be specific with praise so that your student knows what she has accomplished. 

-Be sincere. If you praise too frequently without truly meaning it your student won’t believe you mean it.

-Give praise for the process that went into the end result. 

What are the guidelines for effective praise?


Alphabet books= learn letters

Story books= increase vocabulary

Informational books= deepen child’s knowledge and increase motivation for reading

Word play books= developing metalinguistic abilities, like phonological awareness.

How do different types of books help with learning to read? (Alphabet books help with....?)


C. A. R. strategy:  Comment and wait, Ask questions both closed and open-ended) and wait and Respond by adding a little more.

What is the recommended strategy to help parents when doing read-alouds in the home?


Share about 10-12 books every Friday, pique their interests and curiosity.

What is a "teacher book-selling session"?


"Motivated students have a growth mindset as opposed to a fixed mindset.  They believe they can improve in literacy.  To these students, literacy is attainable with effort and persistence.  Students who believe they can grow in literacy make rapid progress"(Xiaodong, Dweck, & Cohen, 2016). 

Example 1:  I can't read, I am not smart

Example 2:  I can learn to read if I work at it!

What's the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset?  Give an example of each.


Being called a "nerd." 

What was a compliment to football star Malcolm Mitchell?
