Define me, please
O(2)h my Heart!
Energy Monster
Resist this!!
Flex your Range
General and specific body warming for the demands of sport. Addresses all major muscle groups
Dynamic Warm up
Ability to perform whole body large muscle activities for extended periods of time
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Adenosine Triphosphate is what? Not just abbreviation
usable form of energy for muscular activity
Continuous training involves what considerations?
What is frequency, intensity, type, and time (duration)
Exercise stations that consist of varying combinations of weight training, flexibility, calisthenics, and aerobic exercises
What is circuit training
Specific adaptation to imposed demand
SAID Principle
Volume of blood being pumped out by the heart with each beat
Stroke Volume
Name the three energy generating systems
ATP, glycolytic, oxidative
Heart rate reserve (HRR) is used to determine exercise heart rate: HRR=HR(mx) - HR(resting). Karvonen equation is used to add what element?
What is calculate exercise heart rate at given % of training intensity. Exercise HR = %of target intensity(HR(max) - HR(rest)) + HR(rest)
What is the list of terms and definitions used to explain Progressive Resistance Exercise
What are Repetitions, repetition maximum, 1 repetition maximum, set, intensity, recovery period, frequency
Hypertrophy, Atrophy
What is enlargement of muscle caused by increased size of cell. What is decrease in size of muscle cells due to inactivity
As the body begins to exercise, the heart must pump more oxygenated blood due to the increased demand of the muscles for O2. The body meets this demand by increasing what?
Heart Rate
In most activities aerobic and anaerobic systems function simultaneously. The degree to which the 2 systems are involved is determined by?
Duration and Intensity
Alternating periods of work with active recovery. What should be occurring in regards to HR(max) %
What is Interval training. 60-80% HR(max) while working, 30-45% during active recovery
Describe difference between: Muscular strength, muscular endurance, and muscular power
Strength: max force exerted by a muscle with a single contraction. Endurance: ability to perform repetitive muscular contractions against resistance. Power: generate a large amount of force in a short amount of time
Length tension relationship. Provide physical example of optimal LT relationship, and suboptimal LT relationship
What is the length of a muscle can determine the amount of tension that can be generated
Increased stroke volume X Decreased heart rate =
Cardiac Output
Lactic Acid is utilized by which Energy system?
Oxidative (Aerobic)
Explain neuromuscular efficiency
Increased recruitment of motor units causing more to fire causing stronger contraction
describe Autogenic inhibition
relaxation of antagonist muscle during contractions
concentric eccentric isometric isotonic
contraction with muscle shortening (positive) contraction with muscle lengthening (negative) contraction with no change in length shortens and lengthens muscle through full range of contraction
Greatest rate at which O2 can be used during exercise is referred to as maximum aerobic capacity (VO2max). Describe factors that determine the max rate at which O2 can be used
External respiration - ventilatory process of pulmonary function. Gas Transport (accomplished by CV system) [Most limiting]. Internal Respiration - use of O2 by by cells to produce energy
Uses ATP stores, uses stored glycogen to breakdown for energy (ATP), Glycolytic, oxygen debt. Give examples of exercise also
What is Anaerobic metabolism. Ice hockey, short sprint running, swimming, shotput, triple jump etc...
What is the difference between Type I, Type IIa, IIb, IIx
Type I: slow twitch, slow oxidative, lots of capillaries/mitochondria and myoglobin. Resistant to fatigue. Type II: fast oxidative glycolitic, quick/forceful contractions. Fatigue faster, short duration high intensity ex. a: like slow twitch, moderately resistant to fatigue. x(d): fastest muscle type in humans, less dense in mitochondria, only short burst activities. b:fatigue rapidly, true fast twitch
Define and describe the phases contained within Periodization training
Macrocycle: year long (or 4 years for olympics/world cup). Mesocycle (may last weeks): transition - end of competition to early off season (cross train, variety), Preparatory - hypertrophy/endurance (early off season), strength (mid to end off season). power (pre season), competition - in season sport speciific each week can be divided into microcycle