Looking SPF-y
Attack of the Acronyms
Sam's Choice
Hot Super Models
Go, Set, Ready
If you fail to do this, you should do this to... fail
What is Planning...
Come sail the seven strategies with this CAPT.
What is Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies
Also known as Sam's Bible, he would recommend this sky colored chronicle to any preventionist lacking faith in their abilities or in need of a bedside companion...
What is the Blue Book
The Protractor of Prevention Power and Treatment Triumph, its the Jewel of the Institute of Medicine...
What is the Continuum of Care
Where communities actively tolerate or encourage the behavior, although the behavior may be expected of one group and not another...
What is Stage:1 Community tolerance or no knowledge
The part everyone want to jump headfirst into, but doing so will surely break your sustainable neck...
What is Implementation
Some party every DAYA while others rock and roll all NIDA...
What is National Institute on Drug Abuse
The accolades include: 5 Heisman Trophy Winners, 10 Big 12 conference titles and 7 National Championships. I guess there really can be only one after all...
What is OU Sooner Football
Some super-models are good looking, but there are none quite as lovely as this Flower of Prevention Power...
What is the Strategic Prevention Framework
There is clear recognition that there is a local problem and that something should be done about it. There is general information about local problems, but ideas about etiology or risk factors tend to be stereotyped. There are identifiable leaders, and there may be a committee...
What is Stage 4: Pre-planning
We all sometimes think we have enough of it, but if you stop building it...they will NOT come...
What is Capacity
Resting peacefully under the national protection of the Oval Office, why the commander- in- chief feels bent out of shape over this office is well, quite b-czar...
What is Office of National Drug Control Policy
Its known as the Marine Social Workers Plate Special... a Hawkins Hotdog and Catalono Kool-Aid, and it only costs 20 years of research and some change theory...
What is the Risk and Protective Factor Theory
This super-model asserts that the most important units of socialization, the family, schools, peers, and community, all influence personal behavior and develop sequentially...
What is the Social Development Model
Enough information is available to justify a prevention program, but knowledge of risk factors is likely to be stereotyped. A program has been started and is running, but it is still on trial. Staff is in training or has just finished training. There may be great enthusiasm because limitations and problems have not yet been experienced...
What is Stage 6: Initiation
Measuring a Cobra can quickly become a painful performance.. and so is said about measuring up to GPRA...
What is Government Performance and Results ACT
One said, "Help! somebody call a lifeguard." One Said, Well I'm a Coach I'll teach 'em how to swim!" The other one said, "You all are behind the 8ball ...I'm going up here to build fence."
What is The Story of the 3 Sisters
Some super-models are emotional creatures, But this one would make Spock proud...
What is a Logic Model
There is usually recognition that the behavior is or can be a problem. Community norms usually would not approve of the behavior, but there is little or no recognition that this might be a local problem.
What is Stage 2: Denial
Take a look through this lens and you can reflect if you are working smarter or just harder...
What is Evaluation
Not just another credential hanging on your office wall, a preventionist's passport from this tongue twisting group can land you a job When in Rome or Roam...
What is the International Certification Reciprocity Consortium
Some adapt early like Beta testers of new technology, while others wait for the bugs to be worked out, yet universal knowledge such as this concept can come to unconnected people simultaneously.
What is the Diffusion of Innovation Theory
This super- model's dog has fleas...better spray the yard and the neighbor's too.
What is the Public Health Model
There is a general belief that there is a local problem and that something ought to be done about it. Knowledge about local problems tends to be stereotypical or linked only to a specific incident or two.
What is stage 3: Vague Awareness