Religion and Culture
Family History

Author of "James and the Giant Peach"

Who is Roald Dahl?


On the U.S. Library of Congress's list of "Books that Shaped America" is this 1830 religious text that sets out the tenets of a religion founded by Joseph Smith?

What is The Book of Mormon?


This title denotes the highest level of academic achievement, abbreviated Ph.D. in North America and DPhil in England. 

What is "Doctor of Philosophy", or philosophiae doctor?


A natural phenomenon characterized by a violently rotating column of air that narrowly missed the Price household in 1981

What is a tornado?


Used in ancient times by the poet Tibullus, "The Eternal City" is a nickname given to this European capital visited by several members of the family.

Where is Rome?


"The Cricket and the Heath" is a holiday novel, not nearly as well known as "A Christmas Carol", by what British author?

Who is Charles Dickens?


New Zealand is known for its Kiwifruit, which is one of the nation's major agricultural exports today. These gooseberries are actually native to this Asian country.

What is China?


Which 4-year private school in California holds the highest spot in the US for unadjusted faculty salary (Hint: Someone attended an event here recently)

What is Stanford University?


This nocturnal creature found its way into one of the rented houses in Galena, IL. Instruments involved in its eventual excavation from the residence included a toy bat and a tennis racket, among others. 

What is a bat?


The Chinese translation of this famous square in Beijing is “Gate of Heavenly Peace”.

What is Tiananmen Square?


Mr. C. Hillegass, an employee at the Nebraska Book Company in 1958, started a series of study guides in his basement with his wife. Often associated with shirking homework assignments, what is the common name associated with these guides?

What is CliffNotes?


A bar mitzvah, literally meaning "son of the commandment," is traditionally celebrated when Jewish males turn this age.

What is 13?


Professor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, in addition to being a Fellow, was officially listed as the Rawlinson and Bosworth professor of this at Pembroke College

What is Anglo-Saxon?

This famous urban sector of New York City was ruled to be a peninsula in 1985 by the Supreme Court, despite evidence to the contrary, and has been the home of many generations of Price family members.

What is Long Island?


This commonly frequented site in Door County is approximately a 10 mile roundtrip, by kayak, from Northern Haven.

Where is Cave Point?


History tends to credit Johannes Gutenberg, but in fact there is clear documentation that movable type was invented 400 years earlier (circa AD 1045) in what country?

Where is China?


The city of Dearborn, Michigan, just outside of Detroit, is home to the country's largest community per capita who follow this religion.

What is Islam?


Nicolas Cage, the son of a literature professor and a dancer/choreographer, is the nephew of this famous director (the brother of Cage's father) who co-wrote Patton and directed Apocalypse Now, among others.

Who is Francis Ford Coppola?



The amount of 'only sons' (that is, the only son among siblings) currently staying at the Northern Haven campus

What is four? (Grandpa, Liam, Uncle Greg, and Zach)


This capital of Western Australia is over 1,300 miles from Adelaide, its nearest sizeable neighbor, making it one of the most isolated major cities in the world.

What is Perth?


Although he published over 60 books under a different name, who published 13 books under the name Theo LeSieg and one book under the name Rosetta Stone

Who is Dr. Seuss?


In Renaissance and Baroque art, a particular shade of blue paint made from lapis lazuli was so expensive it was primarily used for painting the robes of this religious figure. (Hint: The shade takes its name from this figure.)

Who is The Virgin Mary?


Published posthumously by her husband, Arthur Bell Nicholls, this novel about a young man named William Crimsworth was the first novel written by Charlotte Bronte.

What is The Professor, A Tale?


The Episcopalian Cathedral of St. John the Divine, located on Amsterdam Avenue in between West 110th Street and West 113t Street, is located across the street from this family member's first apartment

Who is Grandma Bev?


Seattle is one of two major U.S. cities located on an isthmus, a narrow piece of land between two bodies of water. This state capital, which boasts a free weekly newspaper called the Isthmus, is the other.

Where is Madison, WI? (Located in between Lake Mendota and Lake Monona)
