This flag is Pink, Yellow, and Blue
The term Transgender means ...
Someone who has changed their Gender from the Gender they were born as.
What symbol stands for the LGBT community (Gay Liberation)?
Pink Triangle
This flag is Blue, Pink, White, Pink, Blue
Pride is?
an event for individuals to celebrate their identities + allies can join in celebration.
When is National Coming Out Day?
October 11
This flag is Yellow with a Purple circle in the middle
The term Questioning means ...
Someone who is unsure of their gender identity/sexuality
Who was the first openly gay man elected to public office in the United States?
Harvey Milk
This flag is Black, Gray, White and Purple
What are pronouns?
Pronouns are what someone refers as. (My pronouns are He/him, she/her, they/them, etc.)
Who is Gilbert Baker?
designed and created the first Pride Flag
This flag is Pink, White, Purple, Black and Blue
What does LGBTQIA2S+ stand for?
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, two spirit and the + holds space for the expanding and new understanding of different parts of the very diverse gender and sexual identities.
Pride Month is when?