This is the age that one becomes a Deacon
What is 12
what is 14-16
Priests are typically this age until they receive the Melchizedek Preisthood
This office of priesthood baptizes, confers Aaronic Priesthood, ordains deacons, teachers and priests (when authorized by the Bishop)
What is a Priest
Christ holds this priesthood
What is Melchizedek
Primary responsibility of a Deacon on Sunday
What is passing the Sacrament
This counselor in the Bishopric counsels with the teachers quorum and his name in our ward is this
What is the 1st counselor and who is Andrew Eaton
These adult men are ordained as priests shortly after this ordinance
What is newly baptized and baptism
This is the presiding high priest for our ward and president of the Priests quorum
Who is Bishop Makasini
This person has held the keys of "the greater priesthood" or Melchizedek priesthood since the beginning of the world
Who is Adam
He is to warn, expound, exhort, and teach and invite all to come unto this person
Who is Jesus Christ
Teachers have a responsibility do this each Sunday for the Sacrament
What is prepare
Priests primary responsibility on Sundays in regards to the Sacrament
What is bless the Sacrament
This is the priesthood Joseph and Oliver Cowdery received on May 15, 1829
What is the Aaronic Priesthood
The offices of this Priesthood are Apostle, Seventy, patriarch, high priest, and elder
What is Melchizedek
This counselor in the Bishopric counsels with the deacons quorum president-who hold keys to lead the quorum and in our ward his name is this
Who is the second counselor and Spencer Marks
The responsibility of being a peacemaker and example of moral integrity and uprightness include these tasks See D&C 20:54
What is no iniquity (choosing sin when you know better) in the church, neither hardness with each other
When John the Baptist ordained Joseph and Oliver it was evidence of the ending of this from the gospel of repentance and baptism by immersion
What is the apostasy
Priesthood power is given to whom?
All members of His Church, women and men, as they make and keep covenants with Him.
In this place women perform the priesthood ordination of washing and anointing under direction of this person
Where is the temple. Who is the temple president
Joseph and Oliver receive the Melchizedek priesthood on this date
What is unknown but likely within a few weeks
Eternal exaltation is only possible when these two people are sealed together eternally
What is man and woman or husband and wife