What is the priesthood? (JST, Genesis 14:28-31)
The power and authority which God has granted to men to on earth to act for him name
"The Aaronic Priesthood holds the keys of the ministering of _______________." (D&C 13)
What is Angels
The Lord promised that this would be the constant companion of those who live worthily
What is the Holy Ghost
What is required for you to use the priesthood to act in God's name?
Being worthy/ keep covenants
What does the Lord ask us to do (see D&C 14:6)
what is bring forth Zion & Keep the Commandments
The Lord promised those who "do these last commandments of mine" which He has given...
(D&C 17:8)
the gates of hell shall not prevail against you
and you will be lifted up
Who in the ward holds priesthood keys?
What did the Lord say would be of the most worth to John Whitmer? (D&C 15:6)
to bring souls unto Christ
How can you increase your access to God's priesthood power to bless your family and others?
Keep covenants and being worthy
What are the saving ordinances the priesthood is used to perform? ( two outside the temple, two inside the temple)
Baptism, Confirmation, Endowment, Celestial Marriage
Who restored the Aaronic priesthood keys in this last dispensation?
John the baptist - Aaronic
What attributes should we have as people who want to bring forth and establish Zion? (D&C 12:8)
humility, love, hope, faith, charity, temperance
What are types of priesthood blessings?
Administration to the sick, father’s blessings, and naming and blessing of babies.
Why is the priesthood important to you?
Answers may vary
Why Is It Important That Priesthood Keys Are on Earth Today?
Answers may vary
- It is how we return (ordinances)
- Gives us blessings (Eternal families, Gift of Holy Ghost, etc.)
What items were the witnesses promised to see if they relied on the Lords words with FULL PURPOSE OF HEART? ( D&C 17:1-2
Gold plates, breastplate, sward of Laban, Urim and Thummim
Share an example of how the priesthood has blessed your life.
Answers may vary