Who is our prophet today?
Russell M. Nelson
Ye must repent and become as a ___________
Little child
Has given me an earthly home, with parents ____________
Kind and dear
What was the sign given of Jesus's birth?
No darkness
How many Articles of Faith are there?
What is 13
He lead the 2,000 Stripling Warriors
This woman was Jesus's earthly mother and father?
Mary and Joseph
I'm going there someday to feel the holy spirit to __________________.
"listen and to pray"
It is upon the _________ of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation
Twice a year the prophets and apostles talk to us and tell us what the Lord wants us to know. What is this called?
General Conference
He was killed by King Noah because he would not deny the things which the Lord had told him to tell King Noah and his people.
Jesus performed many miracles when he was on the earth. Name one the miracles he performed.
Blind to see. Lame to walk. Brought someone back from the dead. Walking on Water. Turned water into wine. Fed five thousand people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish
Long ago our fathers came from _______________
Far across the sea
On which try did Nephi and his brothers get the plates of brass from Laban?
On the 3rd try
A_____ can see the past, present, and future. Who are these people?
Who lived to see the Nephite people destroyed?
Jesus was baptized by ___. After we are baptized we receive the _______.
Holy Ghost
We have been taught and we understand that we must do as the Lord commands. We are as the __________________________
Army of Helaman
Name three important elements in Lehi's dream.
1. The iron rod
2.Tthe tree of life
3. Great and spacious building
Name five of the Ten Commandments.
No other gods before Me. No idols. Not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Keep the Sabbath day holy. Honor your father and your mother. Not murder. Not commit adultery. Not steal. Not bear false witness against your neighbor. Not covet.
Who prophesied that the whole Jaredite nation would be destroyed?
When did Jesus say this:
The time is at hand, and on this night shall the sign be given.
Answer to Nephi's prayer the day before He was born.
When I am ______________ and think I cannot try.
Seeds are compared to ___ in the BOM because you have to plant them, feed them, try to make them bigger, and always work to make it grow.
Name the Bishop and two counselors of our ward.
Bishop Peterson
Brother Marx
Brother Lucherini