English Reading Comprehension
English Vocabulary
Fill in the blank
Anna loves playing basketball. She's the only girl in the class who loves to play it. With this, Anna was bullied by her classmates. Despite everything Anna still wants to do it and did not mind her classmates. 

What does Anna do?

Playing Basketball, Play Basketball


Two football players collided with each other on the field. The car collided with a truck/tree.

What does the italicized word means? 

:to hit something violently, to come together with solid or direct impact , to hit something or each other with strong force , to crash together or to crash into something 


Frank decided to_______a picture.

A. take

B. draw

C. hand

A. take


Which is a synonym for soft?

Hard, Flexible, Firm, Solid, Stiff



Which is an antonym for fire?


Water, Flame, Blaze, Inferno, Shoot



Levy likes Shiela, they have been friends since kindergarten. With this, Levy's feeling had grown. But then, Shiela doesn't feel the same way. 

Who is Shiela? 

Levy's friend since kindergarten, Levy's bestfriend


I waited until a powerful laptop computer was under $1000 before buying it.

What does the italicized word means?  

A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data.


Kelly refused to _____ a cookie. 

A. draw

B. eat

C. bring

B. eat


The food that was served was rather unpleasant, but her company made up for everything.

In the above sentence, the word(s) in bold can be replaced by which of these words.

A) Vexatious             B) Torpor                  

C) Jolly                    D) Aberrant

A) Vexatious  


“In a politically enlightened community, neither the Kings nor the gods have anything to say!”

The word in the bold is exactly opposite in meaning to?

A) Civilized                  B) Stupid             

C) Uncivilized               D) Uneducated

D) Uneducated


Reina saw a bee and a butterfly flying. The butterfly has a bright color of purple and blue while the bee is unusually light color. 

What is the color of the butterfly? 

  bright color of purple and blue


I spent the weekend just puttering around the house. He made enough noise to wake the whole house.

What does house means?

a building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people.


The teacher asked me to_____ my hand before eating my lunch. 

A. wash

B. clean

C. raise 

A. wash


Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows,

Most of the human history has been the Paleolithic period or the old stone age. There is also a Mesolithic period that comes about 20000 years ago. The exponential change in the development of the human civilization, however, came in the recent few centuries.

The word in the bold can be replaced by the following word without changing the meaning of the sentence.

A) Tremendous              B) Fast                  

C) Great                      D) Increasing

Ans: A) Tremendous.


Read the following paragraph and answer the following question

“These bottles are harrowing. How could you spend so much money on something that is so drab? You should have called me and confirmed at least. This is what you always do!”

Which of the following words represents the antonym for the word in bold?

A) Gruesome              B) Horrible            

C) Attractive              D) Adorable

Ans: C) Attractive.


Jigsaw is a game played usually by highly intelligent people. Anna is playing Jigsaw puzzle with Rhea does that mean Anna is also intelligent. 

No, focus on the word usually...


Edward turned up late for their rendezvous.


a meeting at an agreed time and place, typically between two people.


John said he wanted to ___ with me.

A. sit

B. hand

C. leave

A. sit


Out of the given alternatives choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.

E A G E R   

A) Clever                       B) Enthusiastic                   C) curious                       D) Devoted  

C) curious  


Select the word or phrase which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the italicized bold word or phrase. 

He is a very timid  person.  

A) Dashing                   B) Outgoing                  

C) Bold                       D) Chivalrous

C) Bold      


Crisan doesn't know how to take care of himself. Lately, he was diagnosed with a rare decease that could end his life if not treated. What does Crisan know about his illness? 

rare decease and could end his life


The minimum wage cannot suffice our needs. 

What  does the italicized word means.

be enough or adequate.


Crisan doesn't think of other people's feeling. He always prioritize himself. One day, he lost his eyesight, and the only person who helped him was Maryang. After regaining his sight he now understands the ___ life. 

A. gist

B. hate

C. importance

C. importance


Out of the given alternatives choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word. 

 P L A C I D

A) Clear                         B) Calm                               C) Enjoyable                   D) Dull  

  B) Calm      


Select the word or phrase which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the italicized bold word or phrase. 

Raju often walks to school.

A) Rarely                   B) Never                      

C) Always                  D) Sometimes 

A) Rarely  
