What is displays?
What type of monkeys are Gibbons and Siamangs.
What are lesser Apes?
Dental formula specific to OW monkeys and Apes
Primate mating preferences, such as biases relating to phenotype.
Sexual selection
resource sharing, predator detection, protection
Advantages of living in social groups
The study of how primates behave in relation to their environment and other animals
What is Behavioral Ecology?
What are Chimpanzees + bonobos.
Dental formula specific to NW monkeys
Parents killing off their young/younger generation.
Competition for resources, increased aggression, more visibility to predators
Disadvantages of social groups
Actions such as grooming, sharing food, and close physical cotact.
What is affiliative behaviors?
Large orange Primate
Frugivore, insectivore, and carnivore
What are primate diets
when someone other than a biological parent cares for a child
Availability of resources, mating systems/competition, predator pressure, social bonding.
Factors that influence social structure
tool usage, social learning, and passed down traditions.
What is primate cultural behavior?
Primarily knuckle walking primate
What is a gorilla
Tail used to cling onto branches and assist in balance
Prehensile Tail
monogamy, polyandry, polygyny, and multi-male, multi-female groups
What are mating systems?
social rankings in primate groups that determine access to resources
They have downward-pointing nostrils, large upper lips, and opposable thumbs and big toes.
Old World Monkey
Brighter colors, Larger bones, (bigger faces on orangutangs)
Sexual Dimorphism