What is a Prime Number?
A number greater than 1 that has only itself and 1 as factors.
What is a greatest common factor (GFC)?
The largest factor that two numbers share.
What is the Prime Factorization of a number?
It is the longest factor string, made up only of prime numbers.
Who is this guy?
What is a square number?
A number that is the product of a number times itself.
Like 3*3 = 9
What is a whole number?
A number without fractions or decimals.
What is the little number called and what does it mean?
It is an exponent and it means that we multiple three by itself 3 times.
What letter should we type in the chat when watching streaming fails?
If I show you the expression 5N, what is that the same as?
5 * N
What is a least common multiple (LCM)?
The smallest multiple that both numbers share.
Solve this problem
23 * 52 * 11
Who is this actor?
Benedict something that sounds like cucumber. He plays Sherlock and Dr. Strange.
Multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.
If you want to know the next time that two cycles will sync up, what would you need to find?
The least common multiple of the two cycles. Remember the cicadas and the Ferris Wheel problems.
What is the specific order of operations?
Is this a chicken tender of a rock?
What is a factor?
Numbers we can multiply together to get another number.
2*3 = 6, 2 and 3 are factors of 6
What is a multiple?
A multiple is the result of multiplying whole numbers together.
How do you find the area of a square or a rectangle?
Multiple the length X the width.
What Pokemon is this?