Zoo Tunes
Not Dead Yet
Bi's and Tri's
Ice Cream Cones
Famous Couples

Listen to this song for 15 seconds to identify the album/production.

What is Swan Lake or What is Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake?

Pilates Swan or

Pilates Swan Dive 

30 seconds


A saying that means sound asleep.

What is "dead to the world?"

Modified dumbbell deadlift (12 reps) or

Single-leg dead stop Romanian deadlift (10 reps each leg)


A term referring to a person who can speak two languages fluently.

What is bilingual?

  • Two-arm dumbbell bicep curls (10 reps) or
  • Alternating dumbbell bicep curls (8 reps each side)

This ice cream flavor is made with chocolate, almonds, and marshmallows.

What is Rocky Road?

Cone Balance: 

4-cone one-legged squat & reach, or

One-legged clock drill with 4 cones 


This couple recently were seen in July in Iceland, France, AND Minnesota

Who is Primmanuel or who is Prim & Emmanuel or who is Emmanuel & Prim?

No-equipment partnered hand-to-hand pushes (30 seconds each side), or

No-equipment partnered hand-to-hand pulls (30 seconds each side)


Listen to this song for 13 seconds to identify its title.

What is “Le Chat?"

Cat and cow, or


30 seconds


A person who is absolutely stunning or beautiful is said to be this.

What is “drop dead gorgeous?”

  • 1-arm dead kettlebell clean (8 reps each side)
  •  1-arm dead upright row (8 reps each side)

A term referring to the 200th anniversary of a specific event.

What is a bicentennial?

  • Dumbbell hammer curl (10 reps) or
  •  Resistance band 7-up curls (2 on the low end, 2 on the upper end)

This ice cream actually has three flavors and is typically colored pink, white, and brown 

What is Neapolitan?

  • Cone Strength
  • From plank position, alternate hand taps to 1 of 2 cones in front of the body (30 seconds), or
  • Two lunges to one side, moving toward 1 cone with each lunge, repeat to other side (45 seconds)


  • 20 jumping jacks: one arm to front, the other to side, alternate

Listen to this song for 12 seconds to identify its title. 

What is "Black Dog?"

Downward facing dog or 

Downward facing dog with dolphin arms

15-30 seconds


Someone who looks exactly like someone else is known as this.

What is a "dead ringer?"

  • Dead stop wide-legged squats (12 reps) or
  •  Dead stop split squats (8 reps each side)

A term referring to a bettor who correctly guesses the first three finishers of a race.

What is a trifecta?

  • Standing dumbbell overhead triceps extension (10 reps) or
  • Standing dumbbell single-arm tricep kickback (8 reps on each side)

This ice cream flavor is usually green with a flavor based on a nut (actually a tree fruit).

What is pistachio?

Cone Agility

2-cone side-to-side shuffle (30 seconds) or

2-cone figure eight weave (30 seconds)


This fictional couple, known from a 1960s situational comedy, lived in a large house with others, including a 6.5-foot tall butler, 2 kids, and an uncle that slept on a bed of nails.

Who are/were Gomez & Morticia Addams? Or Who were Gomez & Morticia?

  • Medicine ball: toss, squat, roll, deadlift OR
  •  Squat & toss back & forth

Listen to this song for 12 seconds to identify its name. 

What is "Horse with No Name?"

Donkey Kicks (12 reps each side) or

Horse Stance (30 seconds)



Wall plank, 30 seconds


An algebraic expression containing exactly two terms, such as p + e.

What is a binomial?

  • Seated dumbbell concentration curls (8 reps each arm) or
  •  Standing dumbbell Zottman curl (10 reps)

This licensed flavor includes vanilla ice cream with fudge swirls and peanut butter cups

What is Moose Tracks?

Cones & Red Light Green Light

Walking lunges, from one cone to another, down hallway while other person moves up and down stairs - go when you hear "green light" and stop when you hear "red light" - penalties involved! Or

One person jumps down hallway from one cone to another while the other person moves up and down stairs, following "green light" and "red light" directions. Penalties!


This English singer/songwriter/actor and Somalian-born supermodel/actress were married until 2016, when the musician passed away

Who were/are David Bowie & Iman?

  • Medicine ball partner abdominal crunches & switching places (30 seconds) OR
  •  Side-by-side Russian twists (30 seconds)

Listen to this song for 13 seconds to identify its title.

What is "Brass Monkey?"

Ape Traverse (30 seconds, back and forth), or

Gorilla Crawl (30 seconds, forward & back)


What you might say to someone to increase their confidence before a performance.

What is, "Knock 'Em Dead?"

  • Dead stop wide push-ups (10 reps) or
  • Dead stop traditional push-ups (10 reps)

A tool held by the mythological god of the sea.

What is a trident?

  • Diamond push-up (10 reps) or
  • Reclined alternating dumbbell tricep extensions (8 reps each side)

This Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor is named after a famous guitarist.

What is Cherry Garcia?

Cone Cardio

Stand with 2 cones to left & right and 1 cone in front; shuffle in place, listen for running to "left," "right," or "forward," returning to middle space (30-45 seconds), or

Same as above, but instead of shuffling in middle, perform high knees


This French actress and singer--known for singing “Déshabillez-moi” and “Soul le ciel de Paris”--and American jazz trumpetor and bandleader--known for the song, “So What”--were hot and heavy in the late 1940s and into the 1950s, deciding not to marry because of racism in America.

Who were Juliette Gréco and Miles Davis?

  • Resistance band: chest press & tricep kickbacks (10 reps then pulse for 15 seconds) or
  • Resistance band see-saw (15 reps) 