To ensure that all cleaning procedures are completed, all staff refers to this for daily, weekly and monthly tasks.
What is the Environmental Check List?
All teachers are required to wear this daily.
What is a Primrose branded shirt, with logo showing?
In 1982 Primrose was founded by Paul and Marcy Erwin. These two Primrose Pals were named after them.
Who are Percy and Erwin?
Children should always bring this item with them outside during hot summer months.
What is a water bottle?
Both Wonder and Venture Classrooms starts their day with this lesson.
What is Harmony & Heart?
Proper disinfecting/cleaning is a critical element for all classrooms. Wonder teachers use this method daily, and Venture use this method weekly.
What is 3-Step Method?
*bonus Primrose Bucks, if you name all 3 in order and how long the toys have to sit*
True or False: Leggings, denim shorts and open toe shoes are appropriate work attire.
To forge a path that leads to a brighter future for all children.
What is our mission statement?
Teachers are required to do this activity when leaving the classroom, entering the playground, leaving the playground and returning to the classroom.
What is name to face?
Mia Mouse loves to get her friends moving! She assists in this daily lesson by encouraging friends to have fun while staying healthy and in shape.
What is Thumbs Up! ?
Staff and children follow this 7 Step process throughout the day. Including, but not limited to: Before and after outside play, meals, restroom breaks, art & sensory activities, using tissue and touching hair/face.
What is washing your hands?
*Bonus Primrose Bucks for listing all 7*
The use of this item is prohibited during working hours. It may be used during break time or emergency situations.
What is cell phone?
*This includes all personal electronic devices*
Our goal is to provide a positive and consistent experience for all children, parents, and staff by utilizing these FOUR things.
What are the Principles of Service?
*Bonus Primrose Bucks for naming all four*
Teachers should always bring these items outside:
What are the UPK bag, walkie, clip board (Name to Face) , tablet (UOL), Ball Bags, Mia Mouse and drum?
This Primrose Pal teaches our friends to be honest and loves learning new words and spelling bees.
These food products are never allowed inside Primrose.
What are peanuts and tree nuts?
What is the Confidentiality Agreement?
To deliver the best and most trusted early education and care for children and families across America.
What is our Vision?
Teachers should reapply this every afternoon during the summer months. Changing gloves after each application.
What is sunscreen?
These 12 teacher resources help teach different character traits and aid in a variety of lessons through out the day.
Who are the Primrose Pals?
*Bonus Primrose Bucks if you can name all 12*
True or False:
All childcare providers are MANDATED child abuse reporters. Primrose requires that you report all suspected child neglect or abuse.
If you call out the day before or after a federal holiday you lose this.
What is paid holiday?
The Webb's have owned a Primrose School(s) for 14 years. They moved from Ohio to open Farragut ___ years ago.
What is 10 years?
True or False:
Teachers are required to maintain proper supervision at ALL times, by moving around the playground and interacting with children.
Teachers should not be sitting or leaning against equipment.
The children have the opportunity to take these two items home each month. One has a new lesson each unit to work on with family and the other is to share with the class.
What is Molly's Math Bag and Og's Reading Bag?