Most beautiful girl in the world
When doves cry
Purple Rain
Party like it's...
What is Late Onset Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia?
1. Adult women with anovulation and hirsutism 2. Due to genetic defects in CYP21 enzyme 3. Prevalent amongst Ashkenazi Jews, Hispanics 4. Screen with a fasting 17-OHP level (<2 is normal)--(High levels of 17-OHP should prompt an ACTH stimulation test)
What is the first-line treatment for ovulation induction in PCOS women trying to conceive?
Clomiphene citrate 2nd line is exogenous gonadotropins, used if clomiphene fails
1) What NOT to order as a work-up for PCOS:  LH FSH Estradiol  OGTT Fasting Insulin Lipid panel Testosterone Dexamethasone challenge test
Estradiol Dexamethasone challenge test 
List the disorders one needs to rule out to diagnose PCOS?
CAH, Cushing's, Hypothyroidism, Premature ovarian failure, ovarian/adrenal neoplasm, drug-related condition
True or False: LH regulates aromatase activity in granulosa cells, FSH regulates androgen synthesis in theca cells?
False. LH --> theca cells FSH --> granulosa cells
What are some of the effects of weight loss on PCOS patients?
1. ↓ circulating androgen levels due to ↑ SHBG, causing resumption of menses 2. Improved pregnancy rates 3. ↓ hirsutism 4. Improved glucose and lipid levels 5. Weight loss agents (e.g. Orlistat, which inhibits lipid absorption in intestine) noted to show similar improvement in ovarian fxn 6. Gastric bypass surgery helps restore normal ovarian function 7. Weight loss effects in normal weight women with PCOS unknown
What risks are associated with clomiphene citrate?
1)  Multiple births (10% increased risk of twin gestation) 2)  Preterm birth 3)  Hypertensive disorders
Who did Prince initially ask for help on writing the lyrics of Purple Rain?
Stevie Nicks, quoted for saying: “It was so overwhelming, that 10-minute track… I listened to it and I just got scared,” she said. “I called him back and said, ‘I can’t do it. I wish I could. It’s too much for me.” And so Prince went his own way and ‘Purple Rain’ was born. And was a whole 11 mins long.
Is GnRH pulsatility increased or decreased in PCOS?
What is the role of Progesterone in pathogenesis of PCOS?
Infrequent ovulation --> low progesterone --> increased GnRH pulsatility increased
Who warrants screening for cardiovascular disease? What tests and how frequently? How do you decrease the risk?
1. All PCOS patients 2. Screen BMI, fasting lipid and lipoprotein levels, metabolic syndrome 3. Screen periodically because 20% of PCOS women convert to impaired glucose tolerance per year 4. Exercise and weight control 5. Studies show an increased prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis compared to controls
True or false, ovarian drilling is a recommended treatment for PCOS?
False. Benefits undetermined, long term effects unclear.
List 5 criteria to diagnose metabolic syndrome:
1) waist circumference > 35in 2) triglyceride >150 3) HDL <40 4) BP >130/85 5) Fasting sugar >100
True or False: PCOS is a heritable syndrome
How do OCPs help treat menstrual disorders of PCOS?
Increase circulating SHBG Suppression of pituitary LH secretion Suppression of ovarian androgen secretion
What are the benefits to using Letrozole (aromatase inhibitor) compared to clomiphene?
Oral administration Shorter half life Higher implantation rates Lower multiple pregnancy rates
How many % of PCOS women have impaired glucose tolerance?
Name the systemic sequelae of PCOS:
Diabetes, HTN, CAD, Sleep apnea, endometrial cancer
What percent of women with PCOS are obese?
How does Metformin help treat PCOS?
Improves insulin sensitivity and lowers circulating insulin levels Insulin sensitivity helps decrease circulating androgen levels, thus ↑ ovulation rate
How do aromatase inhibitors work to induce ovulation in PCOS?
Prevent conversion of testosterone to estrogen. The testosterone build up causes increase of gonadotropin release to stimulate ovulation
What are the Rotterdam Criteria (2003) for diagnosing PCOS?
1. Hyperandrogenism 2. Oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea 3. Polycystic ovaries by ultrasound diagnosis (Must have 2 out of 3 for diagnosis)
What is the theorized mechanism of insulin resistance on hyperandrogenism in PCOS?
Hyperinsulinemia may result in decreased levels of sex-hormone binding globulin causing increased circulating androgen as well as stimulation of androgen production in the adrenal glands and ovaries
What complications of pregnancy are associated with maternal PCOS?
Gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia and chronic hypertension