Obstacles to Chemo
Approaches to Chemo

Of the 4 classes of Anticancer drugs, what is the one most often used?

Cytotoxic Drugs


Describe or define antemetics

What are drugs prescribed to help with nausea and vomiting that are side effect of other drugs.


dexamethasone and serotonin antagonist (ondansetron)


The ultimate goal of chemotherapy?

What is Kill 100% of the neoplastic cells while cause LIMITED injury to the normal tissues and their cells (especially bone marrow-site of blood cell production and high proportion of proliferating cells , and the GI epithelium).


Side effect of erectile dysfunction (ED) drug unrelated to sexual stimulation.  Usually painful and may cause permanent damage.

What is priapism


Adverse effects of Vincristine?

What is peripheral neuropathy


A most distinguishing property of malignant cells?

What is their persistent proliferation


Why is it hard to balance chemotherapy?  ie..

1. too long

2. too little

1. What is toxicity-too long

2. What is relapse-too little


Approach of drug administration allows our bodies normal cells to have time to repopulate?

What is administering cytotoxic anticancer drugs intermittently. This allows the normal cells to repopulate between rounds of therapy.


Protects the heart form atherosclerosis, retains calcium in the bones and maintains the secondary female characteristics

What is estrogen


Antimetabolite given with Methotrexate when normal cells need alternate source of folic acid for protection 

What is Leucovorin


Telomerase; activated- oncogenes and inactivated-tumor suppressor genes

What is the name of the enzyme that allows repeated division for cancer cells? Also, what are activated and inactivated in malignant transformation?


Major concern with hyperuricemia (uric acid in the blood from breakdown of DAN following cell death)?

Nurse intervention that can help prevent complications?

What is injury to the kidneys secondary to deposition of uric acid crystals in the renal tubules.

NSG:  What is HYDRATE! Prophlyaxis with allopurinol


Give an advantage of combination chemotherapy!

What are 

1) Suppression of drug resistance

2) Increase cancer cell kill

3)Reduced injury to normal cells


Commonly associated with chronic illness and risk increases with advancing age.

What is Erectile Dysfuntion (ED) or impotence

ED not a chronic illness (diabetes/heart conditions), but may be a chronic problem.  


Responsible for blocking uterine lining build up and causing contractions

What is Mifepristone with misoprostol (RU 486)


Describe Growth Fraction? 

Describe  HIGH growth fraction?

 Therefore are chemotherapeutic drugs more toxic to a high GF or a low GF?

What is the ratio of proliferating cells to cells in G0 (resting phase)

What is tissues with a large % of proliferating cells and few cells in G0 

MORE toxic to tissues with a high growth fraction.


Low growth fraction (more cells in G0),  respond poorly to cytotoxic drugs because of  poor vascularity (it is hard for the drug to get to its site of action).

What is true regarding SOLID TUMORS and their Growth fraction, how they respond to cytotoxic drugs and vascular supply?


What are the 2 common sequelae of cancer chemotherapy? Because what zone is triggered?

Nausea and Vomiting; chemoreceptor trigger zone. Tx premedically with antiemetics (reduce anticipatory N/V, prevent dehydration and malnutrition from N/V, promote compliance to the therapeutic regiment because this will reduce their N/V and thus their discomfort).


Nursing implications/consideration when assisting patients choosing birth control.

What is

effectiveness, safety, personal preference, delivery,non-contraceptive benefits, adverse effects


Contraindication for patients taking antiarrhythmics or have congenital prolonged QT wave

What is Vardenafil (Levitra)


Causing toxicity of the bone marrow through chemotherapeutic drugs causes what 3 major consequences? (Think the 3 types of cells that are getting destroyed).

What are RBC- Anemia (less common bc of long life span; Tx wwith erythropoietin) WBC- Infection- neutropenia Platelets- Bleeding (platelet infusions)


Anticancer drug(s) that is highly chemically reactive, given IV (extravasation can occur), and can cause severe local injury if comes into direct contact with tissues?

What is vesicant

Give a guideline that should be used when selecting drugs to use in combination.
1) Each drug should be effective BY ITSELF 2) Each drug should have a different MOA 3) The drugs should have minimally overlapping toxicities (doing so increases their toxicities effects).

Why do we warn pregnant women, and males undergoing chemotherapy?

What is the developing fetus in a pregnant woman and the germinal epithelium of the testes have high growth fractions and thus are highly susceptible to injury by cytotoxic drugs.


Alpha Adrenergic Antagonist with selective smooth muscle relaxant properties 

What is Tamsulosin (Flomax)
