What is a monochromatic color scheme?
One color and all of its values
What is emphasis? (Use your notes)
When an artist draws attention to a specific area of an artwork.
What is layering?
Adding colors on top of each other to create form and depth in a drawing.
What was the name of the figure KAWS invented and used frequently in his work?
What color scheme was used in the candy still life project?
Analogous Colors
What was the name of the type of paint we used in our emphasis by color projects?
What is blending?
When the transition between colors and values in your artwork is smooth.
What is a symbol? (Use your notes)
A mark or drawing that represents an object, function, or process
Point out an example of an analogous color scheme in the classroom.
Explain emphasis by color, size, and isolation.
Color: Artist draws attention to a part of an artwork by making it a different color than everything else
Size: Artist draws attention to a part of an artwork by making it a different size than everything else
Isolation: Artist draws attention to a part of an artwork by setting it aside from everything else.
What is burnishing?
Using a lighter color with heavier pressure on top of all of your layers to blend and smooth out your drawing.
Point out an example of a complementary color scheme in the classroom.
Explain how emphasis by color was used in our emphasis by color project.
We emphasized the center of our mixed-media piece by rendering it in color. The rest of the piece was rendered in graphite.
Why do we need to burnish our artwork? (Hint: The grain of the paper)
To blend our colored pencils by getting rid of the texture of the paper/the white spots that appear in between your pencil marks on grainy paper.
What is variety? (Use your notes)
Using different sizes, shapes, and colors in an artwork to give it visual complexity
What is the name of the artist that inspired the Candy Still Life Project? (Hint: Initials are W. T.)
Wayne Theibaud!
Explain how emphasis by size was used in our Fear Project.
The source of the fear was larger (or smaller) than every other significant part of the drawing.
What is the difference between blending with paint/oil pastels and blending with colored pencil?
You can not burnish with paint or oil pastels. You can only layer them to blend them.