What was one of the ingredients used in the Smoothie Lab?
What is Greek Yogurt, Frozen Fruit, Bananas, Milk, Blueberries will count
The units used to measure the energy value of foods are called what?
What is Calories
Flatten dough into a thin, even layer with this tool before cutting out sugar cookies.
What is Rolling Pin
How many fluid ounces are in a cup?
What is 8 Fluid Ounces
What is the first thing you should do when you sit down at the table?
What is put your napkin on your lap
When the class did pepperoni rolls, what did you preheat the oven to on the recipe card?
What is 375 Degrees
What are the two types of carbohydrates?
What is Simple and Complex
Pour pasta into this tool to drain off the cooking water before serving it with your favorite sauce.
How many tablespoons are in a cup?
What is 16 Tablespoons
Name one of the recipes we made in class where it would be okay to use your hands.
What is Pumpkin Spice Chex Mix, Pepperoni Rolls
What was the only liquid used in the Pumpkin Spice Chex Mix?
What is Vanilla Extract
What is the process of taking in nutrients and making them part of the body?
What is Absorption
This tool would be handy for snipping fresh parsley into tiny pieces to sprinkle over soup.
What is Kitchen Shears or Kitchen Scissors
How many quarts are in 10 pints?
What is 5 quarts
Where do you keep your hand you are not eating with?
What is in your lap?
When the class made waffles, what happened after the second step- In a medium bowl, beat the egg using a whisk. Add dry ingredients, then milk and oil. Beat lightly.
What is spraying a small amount of cooking spray before your first waffle
What is caused by the body's failure to produce or use insulin adequately?
What is Diabetes
You might clip this tool to the side of the pan to make sure your oil is the right temperature for making golden-brown, deep-fried onion rings.
What is Candy/Fat Thermometer
How many tablespoons are in 1/4 gallon?
What is 64 tablespoons
When can you start eating?
What is when everyone is ready to start
What was the last step of the Mac & Cheese lab?
What is serve immediately
A disease caused by niacin, deficiency that results in skin lesions, digestive problems, mental disorders, and possibly death
What is Pellagra
This tool is handy for removing lumps from powdered sugar.
What is Sifter
How many fluid ounces are in one gallon?
What is 128 fluid ounces
What is one of the most important things you shouldn't do at the table with your hands/fingers?
What is lick them