A deliberate collection of people brought together to accomplish some specific purpose.
What is an organization?
List two of the four approaches to management
- classical approaches
- behavioral approaches
- quantitative approaches
- qualitative approaches
Organizational culture is...
Shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doing things that influence the way organization’s members act.
Gets other employees involved in the decision-making process.
Who is a democratic leader?
●Intrinsic motivation: Comes from the satisfaction derived from working on and completing a task.
●Extrinsic motivation: Comes from external rewards associated with working on a task, for example pay and other benefits.
The process of getting things done effectively and efficiently, with and through people.
What is Management?
What was Fredrick W. Taylor's theory?
A classical approach to management. He described the scientific management method in three steps: observation, experimentation, and analysis to find the one best way to do a job.
The structure in an organisation which allows instructions to be passed down from senior management to lower levels of management.
What is a 'chain of command'?
These type of managers expects to be in charge of the business and to have their orders followed
Who are autocratic leaders?
Why is motivation important in the workplace?
●Well-motivated workers will help an organisation achieve its objectives as cost effectively as possible.
●Unmotivated or demotivated staff will not perform effectively, offering only the minimum of what is expected.
●Motivation levels have a direct impact on productivity levels and the competitiveness of the business .
Highly motivated workers have high productivity and this reduces unit costs.
●Motivated staff will be keen to stay with the firm, reducing costs of labour turnover.
●Motivated staff will be more likely to offer useful suggestions and to contribute in ways other than contractual obligations.
●Motivated staff often actively seek promotion and responsibility.
What is the difference between effectiveness and efficiency?
Effectiveness: Doing the right things
Efficiency: Doing things right
List the 5 stages of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in order:
1- Physiological needs
2- Safety needs
3- Social needs
4- Esteem needs
5- Self-actualization
List three dimensions of organizational culture.
Innovation and risk taking
Attention to detail
Outcome orientation
People orientation
Team orientation
Laissez-Faire leaders...
Laissez-faire leaders allow their followers to have the autonomy to make their own decisions and manage their own desks. They give their team support, guidance, consultation, and training when it's needed, but trust them to handle the details and execution of their tasks and projects.
- absenteeism
- lateness
- poor performance
- accidents and grievances
- labour turnover
- poor response rates
The four functions of management:
Double points if you explain each!
1. Planning includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities.
2. Organizing includes determining which tasks need to be done and by whom, how tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and who will make decisions.
3. Leading includes motivating employees, selecting the most effective communication channel, and resolving conflicts.
4. Controlling includes monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and correcting any significant deviations.
This is a philosophy of management that is driven by continual improvement and response to customer needs and expectations.
What is total quality management (TQM)?
What is the difference between a mechanistic model, and an organic model?
The mechanistic organization (or bureaucracy)—Rigid and tightly controlled structure that combines traditional aspects of all six elements of organization structure. Combines traditional aspects of all six elements of organization structure: high specialization, rigid departmentalization, clear chain of command, narrow spans of control leading to taller structure, centralization, and high formalization.
In contrast, the organic organization—Highly adaptive and flexible structure, which allows it to change rapidly as required. Collaboration (both vertical and horizontal), adaptable duties, few rules, informal communication, decentralized decision authority, and wider spans of control leading to flatter structures. Communication, decentralized decision authority, and wider spans of control leading to flatter structures.
These are two advantages of delegation for managers:
Managers cannot do everything themselves. By delegating they can free up time to do other important work
Managers are less likely to make mistakes if some tasks are performed by subordinates
Managers can measure the success of their staff more easily
Explain Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory:
*Double points!!*
A motivation theory that suggests that satisfaction and dissatisfaction at work are influenced by two sets of factors: hygiene factors and motivators.
Hygiene factors are basic job necessities, such as working conditions and salary, that, if not met, can cause dissatisfaction.
Motivators are factors that increase satisfaction and job motivation such as achievement, recognition, responsibility, and growth.
Name Mintzberg's Managerial Roles.
1. Interpersonal relationships: Figurehead, leader, and liaison.
2. Informational transfer: Monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson.
3. Decision-making: Entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator.
The contingency approach to management recognizes that...
How to create a sustainability organizational culture? State 3 ways.
•Get everyone involved in defining what sustainability means to the organization
•Get employees involved in finding ways to be more sustainable.
•Create rituals to reinforce the importance of sustainability.
•Use rewards.
These are three advantages of delegation for employees:
**Double Points**
The work becomes more interesting and rewarding for the worker
The employee feels more important and trusted
It can can train the employees
It can also give workers career opportunities
How Can Managers Motivate Employees when the Economy Stinks? 💨
•Holding meetings → communication
•Establishing a common goal.
•Creating a community feel so employees could see that managers cared about them and their work.
•Giving employees opportunities to continue to learn and grow.
•Encouraging words