Modern Management
Social Responsibility
More than can fit!

Becky's department has seen a number of layoffs in the last two months, and employee morale is very low. This is affecting the work atmosphere and productivity is declining. In this situation, the department manager's primary task will be to ________.

a. organize

b. influence

c. control

d. plan

e. monitor

What is to influence (b)?


Billy has been asking about the pros and cons of social responsibility actions in his new role as Plant Manager. In your role as Vice President of Production, when you meet with him today regarding the firm's new social responsibility initiative, you could best summarize the need for social responsibility activities in the following sentence: "Regardless of which argument or combination of arguments managers embrace, we generally should make a concerted effort to ________ perform social responsibility activities beyond those ________ required."

a. generally; legally

b. voluntarily; generally

c. voluntarily; legally

d. legally; voluntarily

e. legally, generally

What is voluntarily and legally?


Brenda works as an accountant in a software firm. She notices that the company has inflated its balance sheet to show profits, when in reality it is under loss. Brenda reports this inconsistency to the CFO and then to the local authorities, when the CFO refused to take action. What explains Brenda's actions?

A) crowdsourcing

B) phishing

C) whistle-blowing

D) shoulder surfing

E) pharming

What is whistle blowing (c)?


The finance department of Lewis & Sons only accounts for 10% of the employees, but wields the decision-making power and controls resources and information. As a result, the finance department of Lewis & Sons is considered to be a ________.

A) determinant group

B) majority group

C) secondary group

D) minority group

E) model minority

What is a majority group (b)?


Which of the following areas is an organization focusing on when it minimizes waste by not overproducing goods and generating a fair profit for stakeholders?

A) the economy

B) the customer

C) the environment

D) the government

E) the society

What is the economy (a)?


Sarah's team is relatively new and inexperienced. As the manager, she needs to motivate the team and encourage them to cooperate with each other to perform better. According to Katz, this involves using ________ skills.

a. technical

b. moral

c. technological

d. human

e. conceptual

What is human (d)?


The three sustainability gauges for organizational development - economy, environment, and society - considered collectively are commonly referred to as the ________.

A) triple bottom-line

B) triple threat

C) long-term tests

D) global best practices

E) protection areas

What is the triple bottom line (a)?


Which of the following acts was passed amid outcries of public outrage over outrageous management practices discovered at several companies including Enron, WorldCom, and Tyco?

A) Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

B) Financial modernization Act

C) Sarbanes-Oxley Act

D) Patriot Act

E) Freedom of Information Act

What is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (c)?


A Japanese organization has just moved into the United States to expand its operations there. The management of the company places significant emphasis on Japanese culture and the ways of working. As a result, even after moving to the United States, the company prefers to hire more Japanese people than Americans. The company is said to have a(n) ________ attitude.

A) ethnocentric

B) objective

C) relativistic

D) subjective

E) pluralistic

What is ethnocentric (a)?


Ayesha is an Israeli immigrant to the United States. She works for a pharmaceutical company and is not only a gender minority, but also an ethnic minority in the company. Her peers, colleagues, and subordinates expect a lot from her. She is having a tough time fulfilling all these expectations. Ayesha is said to be facing ________.

A) role ambiguity

B) role conflict

C) role insufficiency

D) role interference

E) role overload

What is role overload (e)?


Ben is a manager at Transit Logistics, a logistics company involved in transportation and storage. He is in charge of monitoring the schedules of the truck drivers who transport the goods. In this scenario, the capital resource(s) of the organization is/are the ________.

A) work-schedule

B) transported goods

C) manager

D) drivers

E) trucks

What are trucks (e)?


First Tee is a national not-for-profit organization based in St. Augustine, Florida, and is the official charity of the PGA Tour. The goal of First Tee is to build character among youth through the game of golf. Experiences in the program emphasize building core values like honesty, integrity, and respect for others within youth. This is an example of ________.

A) philanthropy

B) sporting events

C) social events

D) market relief

E) social challenge

What is philanthropy (a)?


Within their organizations, ________ must take responsibility for creating and sustaining conditions in which employees are likely to behave ethically, as well as creating and sustaining efforts aimed at minimizing conditions in which employees might be tempted to behave unethically.

A) lawyers

B) employees

C) managers

D) corporations

E) businesses

What are managers (c)?


Alice is an American student of Chinese origin. Her grades fell significantly during the last semester. Disappointed with her grades, Alice's teacher told her that she should be working harder and be more dedicated to her studies as a result of her Chinese heritage. The teacher's attitude can be described as ________.

A) bicultural conflict

B) tokenism

C) stereotyping

D) ethnocentrism

E) feminism

What is stereotyping (c)?


Which of the following skills become more important when a manager moves from lower-level management to upper-level management?

A) conceptual skills

B) technical skills

C) interpersonal skills

D) communication skills

E) presentation skills

What are conceptual skills (a)?


Which of the following is an error managers frequently make during the controlling function of management?

a. not monitoring progress in carrying out plans

b. not taking the time to communicate properly with organization members

c. not establishing departments appropriately

d. not exploring enough viable alternatives for reaching objectives e. establishing improper communication networks

What is not monitoring progress in carrying out plans (a)?


Business behavior that reflects honesty in advertising about the worthiness of a product or paying suppliers a fair price for their goods is an example of the ________.

A) Sarbanes-Oxley standard

B) Utilitarian standard

C) Virtue standard

D) Golden rule

E) Rights standard

What is the virtue standard (c)?


The Federal Reserve Board (the Fed) examines the relevant economic data and makes a judgment about the present and future state of the economy in order to set interest rates. If economic activity seems to be slowing down, the Fed might decide to lower interest rates as a means for stimulating economic growth. If the economy seems to be growing too fast and the inflation rate is increasing, it might choose to raise interest rates. Lowering or raising interest rates, in and of itself, is neither good nor bad; the rightness of the act depends on the consequences. This action is consistent with the ________.

A) utilitarian standard

B) golden rule

C) virtue standard

D) deontological principle

E) Kantian principle

What is the utilitarian standard (a)?


A manager who is the most effective with respect to interacting in a diverse workforce has progressed to the ________ stage in managing a diverse workplace.

A) unconscious competence

B) consciously competent

C) unconscious incompetence

D) conscious incompetence

E) diversity conscious

What is unconscious competence (a)?


The ________ is characterized by self-analysis and the exploration of different types of available jobs.

A) decline

B) career plateauing

C) maintenance

D) establishment

E) exploration

What is the exploration phase (e)?


Roger is assessing the amount of time and costs involved in completing today's production. Roger is assessing his unit's ________.

A) effectiveness

B) efficiency

C) performance

D) lost revenue

E) allocations

What is efficiency (b)?


Milton Friedman believed the requirement for managers to be focused on socially responsible actions was ________.

A) unethical

B) ethical

C) rational

D) logical

E) irrational

What is unethical (a)?


Roger believes in the statement, "what you give, you receive." He shows respect to everyone he knows and meets every day and expects them to show him respect. Roger's behavior is consistent with ________.

A) the utilitarian principle

B) the golden rule

C) the deontological principle

D) Kant's categorical imperative

E) the four-way test

What is the golden rule (b)?


The ________ approach focuses on how interpersonal skills and attitudinal changes relate to organizational performance.

A) culture-specific

B) multicultural

C) golden rule

D) assimilation

E) righting-the-wrongs

What is the multicultural approach (b)?


Staffing an organization with nontraditional employees ________.

A) hampers the organization's ability to withstand change

B) demotivates the minority employees in the organization

C) increases costs in the organization

D) increases customer dissatisfaction

E) improves the quality of management

What improves the quality of management (e)?
