Lifespan & Development
Social Psych
Sensation & Perception
Thinking & Intelligence

Psychology refers to the:

A. experimental study of individuals

B. scientific study of the mind and behavior

C. empirical study of humanity

What is the scientific study of the mind and behavior (B)


This organization, one of the largest professional groups of psychologists in the world, was founded in 1892.

A. The American Psychological Society

B. The National Institute of Mental Health

C. The American Psychological Association

What is The American Psychological Association (C)


________ development involves learning, attention, memory, language, thinking, reasoning, and creativity.

A. Artistic

B. Cognitive

C. Emotional

What is cognitive (B)


            The field of social psychology studies topics at the intrapersonal level. These topics include ________.

A. emotions and attitudes, the self, and social cognition

B. prejudice and discrimination, helping behavior, aggression, and group processes

C. society and social interaction, families, ecology, and religion

What are emotions and attitudes, the self, and social cognition (A)


Which term describes the tendency to maintain a balance, or optimal level, within a biological system?

A. homeostasis

B. melatonin

C. rhythm

What is homeostasis (A)


______ refers to the way that sensory information is interpreted and consciously experienced; ________ refers to what happens when sensory information is detected by a sensory receptor.

A. Perception; sensation

B. Transduction; perception

C. Sensation; perception

What is Perception; sensation (A)


What do psychologists call a relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge that results from experience?

A. instincts

B. learning

C. reflexes

What is learning (B)


________ encompasses the processes associated with perception, knowledge, problem solving, judgment, language, and memory.

A. Cognition

B. Personality

C. Conceptualization

What is Cognition (A)


What is the set of processes used to encode, store, and retrieve information over different periods of time?

A. automatic processing

B. effortful processing

C. memory

What is memory (C)


Introspection refers to a process by which someone examines ________ as objectively as possible.

A. another person’s consciousness

B. their own conscious experience

C. their own unconscious wishes

What is their own conscious experience (B)


________ is/are often conducted with large numbers of participants and can even be conducted by phone, email, or mail.

A. archival research

B. surveys

C. case studies

What is surveys (B)


What does nature refer to in the nature vs. nurture debate?

A. cognitive capacity

B. environment and culture

C. genes and biology

What is genes and biology (C)


Kara gets an F on her social psychology exam. Then she goes home and gets into an argument with her roommate, Lee. Lee assumes Kara is yelling at him because she is just a nasty person, and does not consider that she may just have had a bad day and is venting. Lee is demonstrating ________.

A. groupthink

B. the actor-observer effect

C. the fundamental attribution error

What is the fundamental attribution error (C)


Regular feelings of hunger are an example of a(n) ________ rhythm.

A. lucid

B. biological

C. heterostatic

What is biological (B)


What term describes the continuation of a visual sensation after removal of the stimulus?

A. afterimage

B. binocular image

C. monocular image

What is afterimage (A)


In Pavlov’s classical conditioning, the term conditioned is approximately synonymous with the word ________.

A. learned

B. instinctive

C. reflexive

What is learned (A)


Which term refers to the vocabulary of a language, or the words contained within that language?

A. grammar

B. lexicon

C. phoneme

What is lexicon (B)


Terrance finds it difficult to learn the alphabet, until he hears the alphabet song. Then he can easily remember it. This is an example of ________ encoding.

A. acoustic

B. semantic

C. sensory

What is acoustic (A)


For which concept is Abraham Maslow best known?

A. Classical conditioning of non-human animals

B. Dream analysis for the latent and manifest content of a dream

C. Proposing a hierarchy of human needs in motivating behavior

What is Proposing a hierarchy of human needs in motivating behavior (C)


Sandra strongly believes that attending daycare is detrimental to children’s development so she decides to write her psychology term paper on this topic. She does a literature search and finds several sources supporting her opinion, but she finds that the majority of research indicates that children attending daycare experience healthy development. She writes a paper using the sources that find negative associations with daycare attendance. This is an example of ________.

A. confounding variable

B. correlational research

C. confirmation bias

What is confirmation bias (C)


When development proceeds in a stepwise fashion with periods of growth interrupted by periods where growth is not occurring, we’d say that development is taking a(n) ________ trajectory.

A. discontinuous

B. continuous

C. unidirectional

What is discontinuous (A)


            The ________ hypothesis is the ideology common in the United States that people get the outcomes they deserve.

A. just-world

B. equal status

C. come-uppance

What is just-world (A)


Most people are awake during the day and asleep at night because their ________ cycles are aligned with the outside world.

A. circadian

B. external

C. melatonin

What is circadian (A)


_______ disparity refers to the slightly different view of the world that each eye receives, and is a distance cue that allows us to perceive the depth of a given visual stimulus.

A. Monocular

B. Binocular

C. Opponent

What is Binocular (B)


In classical conditioning, the association that is learned is between a ________.

A. neutral response and a conditioned response

B. neutral stimulus and a neutral response

C. neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus

What is neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus (C)


            The type of intelligence that involves seeing complex relationships and solving problems is ________ intelligence.

A. crystallized

B. applied

C. fluid

What is fluid (C)


What type of memories do we consciously try to remember, recall, and report?

A. implicit memories

B. explicit memories

C. short-term memories

What is explicit memories (B)


The cognitive revolution created an impetus for psychologists to focus their attention on better understanding ________.

A. emotions and cultural norms that underlie emotional responses

B. genetics and the evolutionary adaptations that underlie behavior

C. the mind and mental processes that underlie behavior

What is the mind and mental processes that underlie behavior (C)


The scientific process is ________, involving both inductive and deductive reasoning.

A. circular

B. iterative

C. correlational

What is circular (A)


According to ________, lifespan development encompasses eight stages and at each stage we encounter a psychosocial crisis that must be resolved.

A. Abraham Maslow

B. Erik Erikson

C. Jean Piaget

Who is Erik Erikson (B)


What is a social role?

A. group’s expectations regarding what is appropriate and acceptable for the thoughts and behavior of its members

B. person’s knowledge about the sequence of events in a specific setting

C. a pattern of behavior that is expected of a person in a given setting or group

What is a pattern of behavior that is expected of a person in a given setting or group (C)


Victoria has accumulated a large sleep debt. This means that she ________.

A. falls asleep in the middle of the day

B. suffers from chronic sleep deprivation

C. suffers from insomnia due to large amounts of debt

What is suffers from chronic sleep deprivation (B)


Participants were instructed to focus on either white or black objects, disregarding the other color. When a red cross passed across the screen, about one third of the subjects did not notice it. This research protocol demonstrates which concept?

A. bottom-up processing

B. sensory adaptation

C. inattentional blindness

What is sensory adaptation (B)


Which two concepts can be thought of as opposite processes within the classical conditioning model?

A. acquisition and extinction

B. punishment and reinforcement

C. latent learning and insight learning

What is acquisition and extinction (A)


What kind of professional would be most qualified to administer an intelligence test?

A. A professional trained in psychology.

B. board-certified psychiatrist.

C. A social worker who operates in a high school or middle school.

Who is a professional trained in psychology (A)


________ amnesia, a condition in which a person can remember previously encoded memories but cannot encode new ones.

A. retrograde

B. proactive

C. anterograde

What is anterograde (C)


Who was the first African American to receive a PhD in psychology in the United States?

A. Francis Cecil Sumner

B. Naomi Weisstein

C. Sigmund Freud

Who is Francis Cecil Sumner (A)


Which of the example exemplifies the empirical method?

A. Dr. Rudy observes and records how watching cartoons influences heart rates.

B. A student in a psychology class writes his term paper on whether or not fish feel pain.

C. A student writes a letter to his professor requesting a change in course policy.

What is Dr. Rudy observes and records how watching cartoons influences heart rates. (A)


________ are concepts (mental models) that are used to help us categorize and interpret information.

A. Cognitions

B. Prototypes

C. Schemata

What is Schemata (C)


Henry is juror number four in a murder trial. He believes the accused is guilty, but when the jurors vote it becomes clear he is the only one that thinks this way. Henry votes not guilty along with the other jurors despite what he sees as evidence clearly indicating guilt. This is an example of the ________ effect.

A. Asch

B. Milgram

C. Zimbardo

Who is Asch (A)


Melatonin release from the pineal gland is stimulated by ________ and inhibited by ________.

A. darkness; light

B. light; darkness

C. pulsing light; steady light

What is darkness; light (A)


Your ears receive sound waves and convert this energy into neural messages that travel to your brain and are processed as sounds. This is an example of ________.

A. subliminal perception

B. top-down processing

C. transduction

What is transduction (C)


Dave’s boss told him that he doesn’t have to attend the company picnic (which everybody dislikes) if Dave meets his sales quota this month. Dave’s boss is using ________.

A. negative punishment

B. negative reinforcement

C. positive punishment

D. positive reinforcement

What is negative reinforcement (B)


            What is the Flynn effect?

A. The idea that standard intelligence tests are flawed when they are used to compare ethnic groups.

B. The observation that each generation has a significantly higher IQ than the previous generation.

C. The observation that each generation has a significantly lower IQ than the previous generation.

What is the observation that each generation has a significantly higher IQ than the previous generation. (B)


Dozens of people witness a purse snatching. One of the eyewitnesses loudly yells “the man with the blue shirt did it.” Later, when questioned by police, several other eyewitnesses remember the purse snatcher wearing a blue shirt, even though the purse snatcher was a woman in flowered dress. This is an example of ________, or the effects of misinformation from external sources that leads to the creation of false memories.

A. suggestibility

B. recognition

C. decay

What is suggestibility (A)
