You can do this to stay on track while working
What is setting a timer
A way to organize your items in your room
Bell work that challenges you to think differently
What is Sherlock Holmes stories
This is a way to create a study game online
What is Kahoot or Quilt
Something you can do in class while the teacher is lecturing so you can remember the information later.
What is note taking
Use this to schedule your activities
What is a calendar or agenda
A way to organize your work for each of your classes
What is different color coded folders for each class and dividers for binder.
When your way of thinking is not working or making sense you should....
Think outside the box, look for alternatives or use context clues
This is a description of a place at home that you should study.
What can you add to your notes to help you remember the information.
What are pictures
A way to put the most important things first
What is prioritize
The three things we need to organize in our life
What is time, our spaces and materials
Recapping at the end of the quarter by filling out this
What is completing a self reflection
This is a way to study using note cards
What are flash cards
To help your memory you can ______ _______ your notes and information using different pens or markers.
What is color coding
Guessing how long something will take in order to plan accordingly
What is estimating
How can you organize your study space at home
What you can do if you are struggling emotionally or mentally due to stress or other triggers
What is a seeking the help of a counselor or parent or other adult
Study for 25 minutes and take a 5 minute break
What is Pomdoro Method
This is a tool you can use that alerts you so you don't forget
What is the REMINDER app on your phone
A tool or method of shutting everything down while you are working.
What is sleep mode or Freedom App
This is a way to organize what you have to do
What is a to do list
A way to visually display your goals and dreams (what you want out of life.
What is a vision board
This is strategy where you look for words that repeat and you circle them.
What is Skimm & Scoop
When you come up with a unique way to remember the information involving things around you or body parts.
What is creating silly phrases