A set of statistical procedures designed to compare two or more groups of observations and determine whether the differences are due to chance or experimental difference.
What is ANOVA?
One’s surrounding and events are experienced as if the person is detached from them, or that they are distorted, changed, or unreal
What is derealization?
The cognitive triad
Who is Aaron Beck?
What is PTSD?
Doxepin, risperidone, venlafaxine
What is CYP2D6?
You are studying two variables, a binary predictor variable and a continuous outcome variable. You want to know if there is a statistically significant difference between those two variables. This is the most appropriate statistical test.
What is a T test?
Misperceptions of actual stimuli, such as the wind whispering
What are illusions?
Dialectical behavioral therapy
Who is Marsha Linehan?
Ziprasidone, carbamazepine, alprazolam
What is CYP3A4?
The IQ of a child 8 years old with a mental age of 6 years.
What is 75?
Uncontrollable excessive talking, as seen in mania
What is logorrhea?
Dementia praecox
Who is Kraeplin?
MacLean Screening Instrument
What is Borderline Personality Disorder?
Clozapine, olanzapine, fluvoxamine
What is CYP1A2?
The proportion of the variation in the dependent variable that is predictable from the independent variable
What is the coefficient of determination (R squared)?
Poverty of speech and thought content
What is alogia?
This author wrote The Ego and Mechanisms of Defense and gave us the first comprehensive study of defense mechanisms.
Who is Anna Freud?
What is autism spectrum disorder?
Bupropion, antiretroviral therapies, methadone
What is CYP2B6?
A statistical measure used to quantify the effect size between two groups by calculating the standardized mean difference between them
What is Cohen's d?
The difficulty in recognizing, understanding, and expressing one's own feelings. Translated literally, "not having the words for emotions"
What is alexithymia?
Good enough mother
Who is Donald Winnicott?
Citalopram, phenytoin
What is CYP2C19?