Deck of Cards
Random questions

At Southern, the probability that a student has 2nd lunch is .57. The probability that the student has 2nd lunch and is in IGEN is .32. What is the probability of a having 2nd lunch given that they are in IGEN?

What is .56?


There is a 13/52 chance of a person drawing a spade from a normal deck of cards. What is the probability of a person drawing another spade from the deck given that the first card was not put back into the deck (without replacement)?

What is 12/51?

There are 7 pink and 8 blue marbles in a bag. What is the probability of choosing a pink and then a blue marble (with replacement)?
What is 56/225?

How many school days do we have left? (not including today)



The probability that of a student staying after school for an extracurricular is .15. The probability that the student stays after school and walks home is .05. What is the probability of a student walking home given that they stay after school for an extracurricular?

What is .33?


There is a 4/52 chance of drawing a queen from a normal deck of cards. There is a 1/52 chance of drawing a queen of diamonds. What is the probability of drawing a diamond card given that the card drawn was a queen?

What is 1/4?

There are 6 large and 10 small marbles in a bag. What is the probability of choosing a large and then a small marble (with replacement)?
What is 30/128?
what is the only number that that has the same amount of letters as its meaning?
What is four?

There are 15 girls and 8 boys in Mr. Golden's 1st period. There is a 50% chance that a student will leave the classroom during 7th period. What is the probability of a student leaving the classroom given that they are a boy?

What is 1/2?


There is a 13/52 chance of a person drawing a card of clubs from a normal deck of cards. What is the probability of a person drawing a king given that it is a club?

What is 1/13?

With two bags of half red and white marbles, there is a 50% chance of choosing a red marble from one bag and then a white marble from the second bag. There is a 50% chance of choosing a red marble from the first bag. Given that a white marble is chosen from the second bag, what is the probability that a red marble is chosen from the first bag?
What is 100%?
What is the only number that is twice the sum of its digits?
What is 18?

The chance of a teacher at Southern attending trivia night is .03. The chance of them attending trivia night and leaving early is .005. What is the probability of the teacher leaving early given that they attended trivia night?

What is .17?

There are people playing cards at a party. There is a 10% chance that two people want to shuffle. There is a 75% chance that they both want to shuffle and switch the game. Given that they both want to shuffle, what is the probability that they want to switch the game?
What is 20%?
There are 35 yellow and 17 purple marbles in a bag. What is the probability of choosing a purple and then a yellow marble (with replacement)?
What is 595/2704?
What school is the track team going to for their meet today?



The chance of the class getting an "A" average for the 5th-period final is 3/4. The chance of them all ending the course with an "A" and getting an "A" average on the final is 5/16. What is the probability of the class ending with an "A" average given that they got an "A" average on the final?

What is 5/13

There is a 12/52 chance of a person drawing a face card from a normal deck of cards. What is the probability of a person drawing another face card from the deck given that the first card was not put back into the deck (without replacement)?
What is 11/51?
If there are 26 marbles in a blue bag and 4 marbles in a red bag. In each bag, 3 of them are white and the rest are black. Find the probability of choosing a black marble given that it is chosen from the blue bag.
What is 23/26?

When was Southern founded?

