Frequency Tables
Independent Events
Dependent Events
Conditional Probability

The probability a student sings in the shower 0 times a week and prefers country is...

What is 1/11?

The probability of flipping a coin 3 times and getting heads each time is...

What is 1/8?


The probability of drawing a green bead out of a bag, then drawing a blue bead without replacing the green bead. The bag of beads contains 4 green beads, 2 red beads, 4 blue beads, and 5 orange beads.

What is 8/105?


The likelihood of an event occurring

What is probability?


70% of your friends like Chocolate, and 35% like Chocolate AND like Strawberry.

The percent of those who like Chocolate that also like Strawberry is... 

What is 50%?


The probability that a randomly selected box is regular size and contains one prize is...

What is 1/3?


The probability of drawing a red marble from a bag of 6 red, 4 blue, and 5 green marbles then replacing the red marble and drawing a green marble. 

What is 6/45?


A bag of candies contains 5 strawberry candies, 4 chocolate candies, 3 caramel candies, and 6 butterscotch candies. The probability of pulling (without looking) and eating 2 butterscotch candies in a row(one at a time) is...

What is 5/51 (or 30/306)?


The result of an experiment 

What is the outcome?


A bag contains 3 red marbles and 4 blue marbles.
Two marbles are drawn at random without replacement.
If the first marble drawn is red, the probability the second marble is blue is...

What is 2/3?


The probability of selecting a freshman OR someone who prefers dogs is...

What is 41/50?


You spin a spinner with 4 equal parts: red, green, yellow, and blue and roll a 6-sided die. The probability of the spinner landing on yellow and rolling a 2 or a 4 is...

What is 1/12?


A card is chosen at random from a standard deck of 52 playing cards. Without replacing it, a second card is chosen. The probability that the first card chosen is a queen and the second card chosen is a jack is...

What is 4/663? (or 16/2652)


The event that does not happen

What is the compliment?


Two cards are chosen at random without replacement from a pack of 52 playing cards.

If the first card chosen is an Ace, the probability the second card chosen is a King is... 

What is 4/51?


The probability of selecting someone who prefers cats, given that you are only selecting from Sophomores is...

What is 9/25?


The probability of flipping a coin and it landing on tails, flipping a second coin and it landing on tails also, and drawing a blue marble out of a bag of 10 green marbles, 5 red marbles, 3 yellow marbles, and 2 blue marbles is...

What is 1/40?


A group of eight friends are playing a board game in which the players race to the last spot on the board. The friends agree to play for first, second, and third place.

Assuming all the players are equally matched (so who wins is completely random), the probability that Juanita will place first, and then either Bill or Susan places second and either Bill or Susan places third is...

What is 1/168?


The number of times an outcome occurs

What is frequency?


A box contains 5 green pencils and 7 yellow pencils.

Two pencils are chosen at random from the box without replacement.

 The probability they are both yellow is...

What is 7/22?


The probability that a person chosen at random will be a male with a SUV is...

What is 21/240?


The probability of flipping a coin 7 times and it landing on heads each time and drawing a red bead out of a bag of 20 green, 10 blue, 5 orange, 8 yellow, and 19 pink beads is...

What is 0?


A purse contains four $5 bills, five $10 bills and three $20 bills. Two bills are selected without the first selection being replaced. The probability of pulling out $10, by pulling out a $5 then another $5 is...

What is 1/11?


The probability of an event occurring given that another event has already occurred

What is conditional probability?


In Exton School, 40% of the girls like music, and 12% of the girls like music and dance.

The percent of those that like music given that they like dance is...

What is 30%?
