Theoretical Probability
Independent or Dependent
Experimental Probability
A bag contains two yellow marbles, four blue marbles, and six red marbles. What is the probability the marble is white?
What is 0?
Ann draws a colored toothpick from a jar. Without replacing it, she draws a second toothpick.
What is dependent?
A die is rolled, find the probability that an even number is obtained.
What is 1/2?
The spinner has 4 sections, red blue green and yellow, how likely is it to land on purple? (certain,likely,as likely as not, unlikely, impossible)
What is impossible?
What is the probability of spinning an even number on a spinner with two halves labeled 1 and 2 after spinning it 5 times?
What is ½? (or 5/10)
Seth draws a colored tile from a bag, replaces it; draws a second tile from the bag, replaced it; and a third time from a bag.
What is dependent?
Two coins are tossed, find the probability that two heads are obtained.
What is 1/4?
If there is 2 blue marbles and 3 yellow marbles, how likely is it to pick out a yellow marble?
What is likely?
A container contains of 15 red marbles, 45 purple marbles, 5 yellow marbles and 25 blue marbles. What is the chance of picking out a red marble? (in simple form)
What is 1/6?
Kevin had 6 nickels and 4 dimes in his pockets. If he took out one coin without replacing the first coin what is the probability that both were dimes?
What is 1/8?
Which of these numbers cannot be a probability? a) -0.00001 b) 0.5 c) 1.001 d) 0 e) 1 f) 20%
What is A and C?
There are 5 cards numbered 3, 8, 6, 9, 10. How likely is it to pick a 2?
What is impossible?
The blood types of a group of 200 people is distributed as follows; 50 have type A, 65 have type B, 70 have type O, and 15 have type AB. If a person from this group if selected at random, what is the probability that the person has O blood type? (simple form)
What is 7/20?
A box contains 5 purple marbles, 3 green marbles and 2 orange marbles. Two consecutive draws are made from the box without replacement of the first draw. Find the probability of orange first, green second.
What is ¼?
A card is drawn at random from a deck of cards. Find the probability of getting the 3 of diamond.
What is 1/52?
Dan has 2 black shirts, 16 blue shirts, 15 green shirts, 1 orange shirt, and 7 yellow shirts in a drawer. If Dan picks a shirt out of the drawer without looking, what is the likeliness of choosing a blue shirt?
What is unlikely?
Two dice are rolled, find the probability that the sum is equal to 4.(simple form)
What is 1/6?
The teacher of a class that contains 12 boys and 16 girls needs to pick two volunteers. She randomly selects one student, and then selects another student from the class. Find the probability that she chooses a girl first, then a boy.
What is 16/63?
A card is drawn at random from a deck of cards. Find the probability of getting a queen.
What is 1/13?
A bag has 3 yellow, 4 white, 1 red, and 2 blue marbles of same shape and size. How likely is it to pick a white, red, blue, or yellow marble out of the bag?
What is certain?