What is releasing offenders based on?
Based on considerations of family and social ties.
What are the disadvantages of probation and parole?
Relative lack of punishment, increased risk to community, increased social cost, discrimination and unequal effects .
How many Supreme Court decisions provide the legal framework for probation and Parole Supervision ?
What are the 4 functions?
1) intake procedures, 2) diagnosis and needs assessment, 3) client supervision, and 4) presentence investigation
How old is the oldest person?
116 years and 267 days old.
What are the main types of advantages?
Lower cost, increased employment, restitution, community support, reduced risk of criminal socialization, increased use of community service, and increased opportunity for rehabilitation.
True or False?
Probation and parole are strategies designed to deal with convicted criminal offenders.
What percent of parole have their conditional release revoked?
about 16%.
True or False?
All probation and parole officers must keep confidential the details of the presentence investigation.
Where would you find the world’s smallest street, Ebenezer Place?
What makes parole less successful than probation?
In reducing the risk of criminal socialization.
What are forms of community expenses?
Child support, welfare costs, housing expenses, legal aid, indigent health care.
What did the case "Griffin V. Wisconsin" do?
Supreme Court decided probation officers may conduct searches on probationers residence without warrant
How may Diagnois be done?
Formally with written test by certified psychologist, or through informal arrangements.
What are the 3 flavors that make up Neapolitan ice cream?
Strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate.
What services do they provide?
Psychological therapy, substance abuse counseling, financial services, support groups, church, outreach programs, & social services.
What are the 2 ways that parole is accused for unhinging scales of Justice?
1) It releases offenders early when convicted of serious crimes. While offenders with minor crimes stay in prison longer. 2) Misleads those harmed by crime because it does not require completion of the offender's sentence behind bars.
What case did the court declined to extend exclusionary rule to evidence found in searches?
“ Pennsylvania Board of Probation v. Scott”.
What is presentencing investigation?
Examines the offenders background and provides the sentencing judge with facts needed to make an informed sentencing decision.
What are the colors of the rainbow?
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
What does parole offer cooperative offenders?
Why does this help?
Parole rewards cooperative offenders with freedom.
It allows them to shape the behavior of those who may struggle to be reached through other programs.
True or False?
If more crimes occur probation and parole will not increase the chance that added expenses will accrue to the community.
Who requests parole to be revoked?
A supervising officer
What are Santa's reindeer names?
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, and Blitzen., and Rudolph.