Identifying Feelings
Big or Small Problem?
Coping Skills
Riddles :)

Your peer has a fidget that you want to use. What can you do? 

Ask politely to borrow it and respect their decision


Jimmy starts crying because didn't get to go on an outing. How is Jimmy feeling?

Sad, disappointed, upset


You are coloring at the table with your peer. Your peer picks up the green marker that you wanted to use next. 

Big problem or small problem? What can you do?


Ask if you can use the marker next/wait until they are finished using it


Nate gets angry when he is not allowed to go to the safe room because another peer is already in there. What can he do to calm down? 

Deep breathing, ask to pace in a designated area, grounding technique, color, read, use a fidget


What has a head and a tail but no body?

A coin 


You need to use the bathroom while your teacher is teaching the class. What can you do?

Raise your hand and ask to use the bathroom or wait until class is over


Samuel jumps up and down smiling when he graduated the 12th grade. How is Samuel feeling?

Excited, happy, grateful, proud


Honey buns are my favorite snack, but today we were given Oreos.

Big problem or small problem?



Bradley is nervous for his test tomorrow. He is using his fidget to help relax but it breaks. What can he do to calm down now?

Deep breathing, ask to pace in a designated area, grounding technique, color, read, get another fidget


What gets bigger the more you take away?

A hole


It's storming and your classroom doesn't get to go to the Big Field. Later in the day, you're feeling jittery and hyper. What can you do?

Ask to pace in a designated area or ask to go on a movement break


Jeffery pouts when he is told that he can't have a video game he wanted from the store. He crosses his arms and refuses to talk to anyone. 

Angry, upset, annoyed


You find out that one of your peers is being bullied by several other peers but staff doesn't know. The peer that is being bullied is very upset.

Big problem or small problem? What should you do?

Big! Tell a staff and be a positive peer to your peer 


Joseph is watching a movie with his peers. The movie becomes triggering for him. What can Joseph do to calm down?

Ask to remove himself from the area the movie is being played, Deep breathing, ask to pace in a designated area, grounding technique, color, read, use a fidget


What building has the most stories?

A library


Your teacher is giving directions to an assignment, but your friend sitting next to you keeps talking.  You can't hear the directions. What should you do?

Politely ask your friend to wait until the teacher is finished giving instructions before continuing the conversation


Tony starts biting his nails and tapping his feet when he finds out he has to give a presentation in front of his whole class for school. How is Tony feeling?

Scared, frightened, nervous, anxious


You're playing kickball on the big field. Your team loses.

Big problem or small problem? What can I do?

Small! Say good game and practice positive sportsmanship!

No belittling others on your team or the other team! 


Frank's heart is beating fast because he got a bad grade on a test. What can he do to calm down? 

Plan out when he can study, ask his teacher for help, ask a friend to help him study


It has keys, but no locks. It has space, but no room. You can enter, but can’t go inside. What is it?



A peer keeps antagonizing you and disrespecting your boundaries. What should you do?

Ask the peer to stop, try to remove yourself from the situation, tell someone you trust (e.g, courtyard staff, your counselor, your teacher, etc.) 


Spencer's best friend just got accepted into his dream school that he has wanted to go to forever. However, this means that Spencer's best friend will be moving 10 hours away from him. How do you think Spencer is feeling?

mixed emotions - happy for his friend's accomplishment but sad that he has to move so far away


You just got off a really upsetting phone call. You are starting to have negative thoughts and are beginning to get dysregulated. 

Big problem or small problem? What can you do?

Big, tell someone you trust (e.g., staff, teacher, or write a counselor request)


Leslie is having a difficult time falling asleep at night due to anxious thoughts. What can Leslie do to help relax?

Meditation, reading, Deep breathing, grounding technique, go to "happy place"


What kind of music do mummies listen to?

Wrap music
