Wally's First step of problem solving?
What is the problem?
Name three solutions discussed in problem solving?
What is a consequence?
What is the result after a solution
You ask your friend to play a game with you and they say they don't like that game. What is a good (happy) solution?
What is offering to play with a different game, asking someone to play with another friend
How old is Dina?
Wally's second step of problem solving?
What is the solution?
When you and a friend want to play with the same toy, what is that called?
Would be getting ice cream after getting a report card with good grades be a good consequence?
What is a good consequence.
You ask your friend who is bothering you to stop whispering, but she/he still still continues. What is a good (happy) solution?
What is Dina's favorite food?
What is Mac and Cheese.
Wally's third step of problem solving?
What is another or more solutions
When you want to play on the see-saw at recess?
What is asking someone to play with you.
Would bringing a toy to school and playing with it during your teacher talking and taking it away from you be a good consequence or a bad consequence?
What is a bad consequence
Your friend wants to use your crayons and takes turns without asking you. Did she/he use a good (happy) solution or a bad (sad) solution?
Is Dina a boy or a girl?
What is a girl.
How do you know if you have a problem?
What is recognizing your feelings
What solution would you use if you want to go down the slide at recess but there was a long line?
What is waiting and taking turns.
What type of consequence would follow using sharing as problem solving?
What is a good consequence
There is only one pair of scissors at your table and you and your friend both need it. You decided to take turns using the scissors. Is that a good (happy) solution or a bad (sad) solution?
What is good (happy) solution.
What is Dina's friends name that also comes to Dinosaur school?
What is Wally
What was Wally's problem with his sister?
What is fighting for the TV remote.
How did Wally solve his problem with his sister?
A bad consequence of going to his to room and not watching TV.
You want to ask the teacher a question, but she is busy. You wait quietly with your hand up. What is a solution? Is it safe? Fair? Does it lead to good feelings?
What is waiting my turn, yes it is fair, and yes it leads to good feelings.
What are your group leaders names?
What is Miss Natalie and Miss Skyler