Voice Levels
Classroom Behavior
Hallway Behavior

This voice level is used when working in small groups.

What is Level Two or Table Talk?


The correct response to "1, 2, 3 eyes on me"

What is "1, 2 eyes on you"?


When walking down the hall, one's hands should be...

What is "kept to themselves"?

A student notices there are still younger students in the lunchroom, they should...

What is wait until the younger students have left the lunch room before entering?


Making sure you have all your materials and you are showing up to class when you are supposed to is an example of these two ROAR expectations (Hint: two letters in ROAR)

What is On Task/On Time and Responsible?


This voice level should never be used in the classroom

What is Level Four or Outside Voices?


If the teacher is talking or giving instructions, students should be...

What is listening and paying attention?


I notice something fishy going on in the hallway with another student, I decide I should...

What is report it to an adult immediately?


A student wants Powerhouse, in order to make sure the kitchen knows they want Powerhouse they need to...

What is raise their hand when the teacher asks if anyone wants Powerhouse?

Someone who decides to write on a friends locker without asking is not being...

What is Respectful?


The appropriate voice level for the hallway

What is Level Zero or No Voices?

I'm in fifth grade and I just got back from Band. I get to class and I notice the teacher is still teaching the fourth grade students. There are instructions on the board to read to self, I should...

What is come in silently and begin reading my book to myself?


I am heading to recess with students in other classes. They are being loud and touching the walls, I decide to...

What is be a good role model for my peer and keep my hands to myself and my voice off?


I brought cold lunch today and I am heading out to recess. My lunch goes...

What is outside with me and to the designated spot?


I notice a friend is feeling sad and I decide to check in with them, I am...

What is Acting with Kindness?


A student is sharing a presentation in front of the class.

What is Level Three or Strong Speaker?


The teacher leaves the classroom for a minute. The expectations are that the students in the classroom...

What is continue working on what they are supposed to be working on?


I just got to the Art classroom for specials and I notice there is still a class in the Art Room, I decide to...

What is wait outside the classroom patiently with my voice off?


I want to get the hot lunch entrée today, I need to...

What is slide my name into the entrée section?


Not talking when the teacher is talking is showing my teacher...

What is Respect?


Fourth grade students are working with partners while the fifth grade students are being taught a lesson. The fourth grade students are working at two different voice levels, they are...

What is Level Zero and Level One?

The teacher is reading out loud to the class, students in the class are...

What is sitting quietly at their desks and doodling?


I ask to go to the bathroom during class, when I leave the classroom I go to the bathroom by the...

What is by the classroom?


I notice some friends misbehaving on the playground, instead of joining them I decide to...

What is tell one of the adults on duty about it?


The teacher asks me to complete a task in 2 minutes. I decide to use the 2 minutes to color instead of completing the task. I am not being...

What is On Task and On Time?
