Explain morning work...
Unpack backpack at your seat, turn in any notes, read the board for morning work instructions.
What does the yellow circle mean at lunch?
Explain bathroom signout
You give the bathroom signal. You bring your OWN pencil to sign out. You can leave your pencil there. Wash your hands and return to your seat.
When you have something to say, you should...
Raise your hand!
Explain the PAW board
1. Warning
2. Problem / solution
3. Parent
4. Mr. Shirvinski
How do you use a microwave?
Press the number of minutes you need and watch your food.
When you enter any room, you should....
Explain the 30 book challenge
You read a book from certain genres. When you are done, you get a bead. The goal is 30 books!
What is the job of the librarian?
Make sure the library looks neat. Puts away books AFTER a weekend quarantine.
How many people can sit at each lunch table?
How far apart should you be from other people in line?
Elbow width
Explain the raffle ticket reward system
Mrs. Gante will give out raffle tickets to people doing an excellent job. She will pull a name on Friday for someone to sit on the exercise ball.
What is silent sixty?
We will pack up silently in as little time as possible. The silent sixty person will give us 3 or less marbles.
When do you have to wear your mask during lunch?
ONLY when you go to bathroom or water fountain
Why should you not talk in the hallway?
1. School rule
2. Classrooms are recording on their cameras
3. Respect
When can you take off your mask?
Mask break
How can you make sure your mask stays clean?
Wear your lanyard or use your plastic bag
What does the clean up crew do?
Take out trash
Replace trash bags
Hand out wipes to clean desks
What days do we stack chairs?
Day 3 and 4
When the line stops, you should ...
Not run into people in front of you
Form into a straight line
You should sanitize before you...
Touch the library
Pass out papers
Touch any shared materials
What order do we line up in after the recess whistle?
A la carte