Go straight to locker before entering classroom
Put attendance card into the "Here" folder
Put ID in holder
Give Miss G lunch money and/or office notes- if any
If needed, plug in your computer along the BACK counter
Begin the daily "Do Now" activity sheet
When the timer goes off, line up outside against the wall
You get 10 minutes.
Beginning of the Day
Put your mask on
Quietly raise hand
Wait for teacher to come help you
Asking for Help- Working Independently
Once you get a new worksheet, please put your first and last name in the top left corner
Put your classroom number underneath your name
Put the date in the top right corner
Titling Papers
A set way of doing things every day. A daily habit that will be in the classroom.
a Routine
HOW we do things in the classroom that abide by the rules and let's us work efficiently and safely.
A procedure
You will get a new job every Monday
When you enter the class on Monday morning (arrival), after you have done attendance and put your backpack away, please find your new job card in your ID holder.
Read the title and description
Write down the title and description of your Job on the Morning Do Now worksheet for "Monday"
Please return your job card to your ID holder
Throughout the week, you will need to listen carefully for when the teacher needs you
For the rest of the week, it is your responsibility to remember to do your job.
Classroom Jobs
Quietly and quickly exit the classroom
Form two lines
Boys line- against the wall, girls line- arms length away next to boys
Facing forward
Level 1- standing still, Level 0- walking
When your feet are moving, your mouths are not.
Walking in the Hallway
Sit in your seat with your mask on
Grab your own lunch box when the bucket come around
When the teacher asks, raise your hand if you need to grab your Student ID
Maintain a level 1- whisper
When your row or column is called, please quickly and quietly line up outside against the wall
Walk quietly to the cafeteria doors
Walk all the way to the lines and your assigned seat
Going to Lunch
Walk into classroom quietly and quickly
Put your belongings in your desk, on your chair basket, or under your chair-
NOT in the isle
Place homework on desk
Get out your Math notebook
Begin math warm up on the screen
Be at a level 0 until timer goes off
Beginning of Math
If need an extra copy of the work, please check the "Extra Copies" basket at the front of the room and get the copy you need depending on the day of the month it was
Finding an Extra Copy
Put all subject materials where they need to be
Get out what you need for WINN (music binder, instrument, notebook, etc.)
Put mask on
Quietly and quickly line up on the appointed wall for your WINN group
Wait patiently for the teacher to walk you down the hallway
If staying in the classroom, get your WINN work out immediately and begin working.
Teacher will hold her hand in the air as a "5" and say "give me five"
Students will quietly mirror the teacher hand as it goes from 5 to 0
Voice level will be at
Hand Signals
Teacher will say "Waterfall" once
Students will immediately respond with "Shhh" once
Verbal Cue
Put your paper on your desk in the top left corner
Make sure your name and date are on paper
Wait for the Paper Manager to come pick up the paper
You should not be completing or writing anything else on the paper when you see it
Turning in Papers
Check the "Absent Work" section on the bulletin board for the work you missed on the day you were absent
Get one copy of what you need
Complete the work during WINN, free independent work time, or at home
Absent Work
Teacher will say "Let's bring it back!" Once
Students will respond with "Wayyy back!" And clap once
Verbal Cue
Put all personal belongings on your desk, off the floor, and out of your desk/chair
Sit quietly and patiently for the teacher to call your name
Put your mask on
Walk quietly and quickly to your locker to grab your backpack
In the same manner, return to the classroom
Put ALL belongings in your backpack
Stand behind your chair for the bell to ring
You have 5 minutes
End of the Day
Keep mask on
Politely ask a group member for help
If needed, politely ask another group member for help
If question is still not answered, please raise your hand for teacher to help you
Asking for Help- Group Work
Quietly walk over to pencil buckets
Put YOUR pencil in the "Unsharpened Pencils" bucket
Get ONE PUMP of hand sanitizer, clean hands
Grab one pencil from the "Clean and Sharpened Pencils" bucket
Quietly go back to work
When done borrowing the pencil, place in the "Borrowed Pencils" bucket
You may throw away trash whenever you need to if I am not teaching the whole group
Quietly and quickly walk to the trashcan
Do not stop to talk to someone on the way
Do not play basketball with your trash
Make sure all trash lands in the can
Pick up trash even if it isn't yours- use hand sanitizer before AND after
Throwing Away Trash
You may get a tissue whenever you need to during the class
Quietly and quickly walk to the nearest tissue box
Then, walk quietly and quickly to the trash can and blow your nose
Throw the used tissue away immediately
Make sure it lands in the trash can
Use hand sanitizer after using the tissue
Get right back to work
Getting a Tissue
Quietly get your Bathroom Punch Card
Hand the card your teacher, if she is with a student or group, please do not verbally ask her
She will keep the punch card to write the date and time out
Get the appropriate bathroom pass
Go to the restroom quietly and quickly
Bring the pass back and put it back on the hook
Quietly and quickly get your punched in bathroom card from your teacher
Put it back in your own belongings
Immedialy continue to work
Going to the Bathroom
Quietly and quickly get ALL belongings on your desk
Sit in your seat
Please do not talk
Stand up and push in your chair when you get called by the teacher
Quietly exit the classroom and walk to the line you need to be in
You will get in line behind the person who gets there before you
Wait patiently and quietly for the lines to move
Accept two pumps of hand sanitizer when it comes around the classroom
Wash your hands after using the restroom
Use hand sanitizer before and after touching anything that is not your own
Use one Clorox wipe to wipe down your desk and chair when time to do so
Use a Clorox wipe to wipe any borrowed pencil before putting it in the bucket
Please set the work aside as we will go over it together as a class or someone will come by to pick up your paper
Remain at the appropriate voice level
First, work on any unfinished assignments
When you finish those, you may choose to do:
your classroom job
Math website on computer
read a book
make up math problems
peer-tutor someone who needs your help
After Finishing Work