Your eyes track this person.
Who is the speaker?
Raising your hand to answer a question.
What is an oh yeah?
What is standing up from your chair?
Sign language r with two fingers crossing one another.
What is the restroom sign?
You sit up straight in this.
What is the chair?
Getting out of your seat without asking.
What is an oh no?
During 1, 2, 3 style, this is the action for number 2.
What is tucking your chair in and putting your hand on your desk.
Pointer and middle fingers held up to make a 2.
What is a pencil?
Your hands are neatly folded in this.
What is your lap? or What is your desk?
Following all learning expectations.
What is an oh yeah?
During 1, 2, 3 style, this is the action for number 3.
What is go to the circle or line?
Three fingers held up.
What is the water sign?
Your pencil is parked here.
What is your desk?
Only following some of the learning expectations.
What is an oh no?
Voice level 0.
What is the voice level when going to the carpet or line?
Four fingers held up.
What is the tissue sign?
What is the floor?
What is an oh yeah? (and probably a Dojo Point for you!)
Criss cross applesauce.
What is not the only way we have to sit on the carpet?
Five fingers held up.
What is the question sign?