What are Miss Hall's four classroom rules?
Be safe, be respectful, be responsible, and be kind.
What is one expectation for the hallway?
Idea: Walking/no running.
What supplies do you need to bring to Math every day?
Planner, Binder, Pencil, Pen, Marker,
What is the first thing you need to complete during independent work?
Cool Down/Review
What is the first consequence for breaking a classroom rule?
Provide and example and non-example of being safe.
Example: Walking in the classroom
Example: Climbing over desks, jumping, running
What is one expectation on the stairs?
Idea: Walk on every step/no jumping.
What happens if you do not have your supplies ready once the bell rings?
5 minutes of lunch recess.
What is the second thing you need to do during independent work?
Finish assignment
What is the second consequence?
Stay after class.
Provide and example and a non-example of being respectful.
Idea: Listening when others are talking
Idea: Blurting out/interrupting others
What is one expectation when you are absent?
Idea: Two days to complete work/check folder for assignment.
What is the first thing you need to do at the beginning of every class period?
Fill out planner
If you finish your assignment, what is the next thing you need to do?
Missing assignments/fix-ups.
What is the third consequence?
Stay for the following lunch recess.
Provide and example and non-example of being responsible.
Idea: Using independent work time to complete practice worksheets
Idea: Using independent work time to talk to your friends
What is one expectation during independent work?
Idea: Stay on task and in seat
What is the second thing you need to do at the beginning of every class period?
Complete warm-up/bell ringer.
Once you are finished with all of your work, what are your options?
99math, read, color, puzzles, check grades
What is the fourth consequence?
Stay for achievement/phone call home.
Provide and example and a non-example of being kind.
Idea: Helping another student when they do not understand
Idea: Joking about others who are struggling with something you understand
Idea: Inside voice, be respectful towards each other
What is the third thing you need to do at the beginning of every class period?
Get ready to check your homework.
In order to leave the classroom, what must you have with you?
What is the fifth and final consequence?
Go to the principal's office.