Bus Expectations
Job Site

True or False? I should greet my bus driver in the morning.

True! It is polite to greet the person driving you to school. Even if you are sleepy!!


You are walking into our classroom for the first time today. Mr. Garcia is by the door waiting for you, what would be the polite thing to do? 

I should look at him and greet him! Even if you had a bad start to your day, this might be your opportunity to turn it into a great day by staying positive. 


I am waiting to be let in the classroom and someone is getting on my nerves! What is one thing I can do in this situation?

I can walk away from that person.

I can politely tell that person that they are making me uncomfortable. 

I can ask that person to please not speak to me because I am tired and need quiet time. 


What is one thing I have to have to be able to work on a job site off campus?

Legal ID - Medical insurance


What are 2 things I should remember regarding my cell phone at work and school?

1. I should have my phone on silent or off.

2. I should NOT be calling friends while I am 'on the clock' 

3. I should not be texting or checking social media while I am 'on the clock' 

4. I should NOT have my earbuds in so I cannot hear customers or staff.

5. Keep negative comments about work off the internet


Fact or Fiction:I should keep backpacks and other items in front of me or under my seat.


It is dangerous to clutter the isle in case of emergency situations. 


At dismissal time I am ready to go home! Instead of standing by the door at least how far back should I be or what else can I do instead?

I should be at least 5 or 6 feet away from the door. Another thing I can do it stay seated.

Bonus point if you got both!!


Imagine you get off on the wrong foot with a new coworker.... What is something you might do to resolve this conflict?

Go own it! Find an appropriate time to walk up to them and say, "I understand that we got off on the wrong foot. My apologies for that. What I'm trying to resolve is X. Can we have a conversation about that?"

Regardless of who the conflict is with - an employee, your boss, etc., they'll think more highly of you if you demonstrate self-awareness. The conversation may be awkward, but that's better than a tense relationship that could last years all because you got off on the wrong foot. Remember! It's all about how you approach the situation.


True or False: If I have a legal drivers license I cannot drive myself to the job site.

False! As long as my guardian and I have filled out the proper forms and I have a legal drivers license I am allowed to drive to my site.


What are 2 examples of how you can be considerate at work?

1. smile 

2. be on time

3. give your full attention to customers

4. Be patient!! We all get frustrated sometimes, being in the workplace is a learning experience!

5. Acknowledge customers right away. Don’t chat with a co-worker when a customer appears. Look at the customer and ask how you can help them.


If I am on a public bus:

A front seat or larger space is available I should take it because it's more comfy for me. True or False?


front seats should be kept open for seniors, people with disabilities and those traveling with service animals.


Which stairs should you take to dismissal?

The ones directly to the left of the hallway exit from our room.


Imagine your supervisor is "playing favorites", giving more opportunities to certain staff members. What should you do?

Begin by requesting a private meeting to discuss your concerns.

It's important to remember times when you've noticed this happening to you. That way, you can come prepared with examples for a meeting. Having a well-thought-out plan before approaching your manager is key.


What is an example of how I can assure I will be on time for school and work?

1. I can set an alarm.

2. I can plan my outfit the night before.

3. I can go to bed on time so I am not overtired or sleep in late. 

4. I can look up how to get to my job location. 


What does it mean to get "constructive criticism"?

It means you may have mad a mistake and your boss is giving you some feedback on how to correct that behavior. It’s okay to make mistakes. We all do when learning something new. The key is to remain positive and graciously accept input from others. Your pride may be bruised, but if you choose to learn from it, you are actually sharpening your brain power! 


Fact or Fiction: I am riding on a bus and the person next to me is wearing earbuds. It's OK for me to tap them and wave my hand in their face so I can talk to them. 

Fact OR Fiction!! If you know the person and know they will not be upset this might be OK. If this person is a stranger, you should keep your hands to yourself. Don’t touch other passengers and keep hands and arms inside the bus at all times. I should respect others when wearing headphones.

Bonus points if you said both!!


True or False: I am so excited to go home! It's OK for me to be louder than my classroom voice. 

false! Other students are still in the classrooms and it's very disruptive to have noise in the hall. We do not want to interrupt their work and focus.


You are taking a test and there is no talking allowed. You are writing your answers on the paper and your pencil breaks. What could you do?

Raise my hand! 


If you are unsure of how to do something your manager asks you to do what should you do?

ASK! It is always better to ask and do it the correct way rather than attempt the task on your own and risk hurting yourself or others or breaking job equipment. 


How many STEP teachers are there?



If you have a beverage what should you always have on your cup?

A lid!! You should always keep food and drink in sealed containers while riding to avoid spills where someone could slip or fall. 


Which door should I go to for dismissal and am I required to stay with my group?

Door 1 and YES. Staying with the group should always be an expectation for my own safety. 


The teacher is giving directions, but your friend sitting next to you keeps talking.  You can't hear the directions. What should you do?

I can politely ask my friend to please stop talking. I can move away from that friend, raise my hand and ask the teacher for directions. 


True or false: I can wear pajama pants to work.


  • Keep your uniform or work clothes clean and wrinkle-free
  • Hair should be neat and clean
  • Dress modestly and avoid offensive phrases and logos on clothing

When in doubt, refer to your employee handbook or ask your supervisor.


What is the new teachers name?

Mrs. Rivera! HIIIIII