Walk on the ______ side of the hallway.
I can put my ____________ down and eat my lunch
technology or ipad or phone
I can _______ before I “send”.
I can use ______ _______ when responding to adults and peers.
kind words
I can be an _________ listener.
I can ask for___________to leave my seat.
I am _________ for my technology at ___ times.
responsible all
I can stay __ _____ without being prompted.
on task
I can _____________ in class discussions.
I can go directly to my_____________.
destination or classroom
I will use ____ ________ when talking with my peers
low voices
I can come to school with a _________ iPad.
I can __ a _______. ( From our Trojan mantra)
be a leader
I can use _____________ appropriately.
technology or my ipad
I can respect the _________ of others.
I will choose _____ _____ when talking to peers
kind words
I can ______ school appropriate websites.
visit or use
I can __ _________ . ( from our mantra)
be respectful
I can ___________ and _____ assignments on time.
complete submit
I should _______ in the hallway in a timely manner.
I will keep the cafeteria clean by _________ __ after myself.
cleaning up
I can use technology at _______ for school work _____.
school only
Be ______ best _______. ( from the mantra)
best self