What does the C stand for in "CHAMPS?"
Which attending skill related position of your body?
Appropriate Body Language
What is a redirect?
It is an opportunity to replace a negative behavior with a positive one.
When are you not allowed to go to the restroom or get a drink?
During the first and last ten minutes of class.
What's brown and sticky?
A Stick
What does the "A" stand for in "CHAMPS?"
What is an example of NON appropriate feedback
Off topic, interruptions, profane language etc.
If a student is not using their attending skills, what will the teacher say?
"How are your attending skills?"
What area of the room are students not allowed to go?
Behind the main Desk.
Who does Drake want and need?
When is it okay to get out of your chair if the movement category says "no."
NEVER (maybe in emergencies)
Which Attending skill is related to where you are looking?
Appropriate Eye Contact
What happens on the third Re-direct?
A Hallway conversation
Where should the desks and chair be placed before the end of class?
The chairs should be pushed in, and the desks should be returned to their position on the tape.
How many apples grow on a tree?
All of them
Why does the S in CHAMPS stand for "Success?"
Following the expectations of CHAMPS leads to Success!
What does it mean to "Be in the moment?"
To be engaged with and know what is going on in the room; actively participating.
What is the result when a student cannot fix their behavior after three redirects?
The student will go to Sam's room to complete a problem solving worksheet.
If you are finished with your work, and waiting for the bell to ring, where should you not stand.
By the Door
Why can bicycles stand by themselves?
They're two tired.
What is the purpose of CHAMPS?
Champs let's the students know what is expected of them during different class activities; specifically their conversation, asking for help, activity, movement and participation.
Why are they called attending "Skills"?
The attending skills can be used to help people succeed not only in school but in life!
Are hallway conversations always bad? Why?
Sometimes hallway conversation are used to have a private conversation away from the rest of the class, and are not related to redirects.
Name two things that are not allowed in the classroom.
Phones and food.
What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?
Where's my tractor?