What do you do when you need a new pencil?
Grab one from your table bin, grab one from the sharp jar, or ask a friend
Where does I turn in my completed work?
Blue baskets on the counter
How should we line up to leave the classroom?
Called by table, line up quietly and facing forward
What do I do if I have a question?
I will raise my hand and wait to be called on or whisper to a neighbor.
How many dogs does Ms. Lindsey have?
2 - Lola and Atlas
What are YOU responsible for each night?
Hint: technology
charge your laptop
Before I turn in my work to the correct basket I must...
Assess my understanding or check the success criteria
How should we enter the classroom?
Come in quietly and go right to your seat, unless given other directions
What do we write in our planner?
Our homework and any reminders we will need to know?
Hike, bake, garden, camp, play with her dogs, spend time with friends and family
If I lost some of my supplies, where can I find them?
Blue lost and found bin
In my desk I should have...
All of my own supplies
How do I check out library books?
What do I do if I finish my work early?
Look on the board for further directions
Where should I keep my Bobcat bucks?
In my desk, pencil pouch, envelope, plastic bag- SOMEWHERE SAFE!
Does anyone need something to store their bobcat bucks?
I finished a book from Mrs. Wild's library. Now what?
Where can I go if I need a minute to calm down?
What do I do when it is time to pack up?
First, make sure the area is cleaned around my desk and wait to be called to grab my backpack quietly.
How many siblings does Ms. Lindsey have?
2- 1 brother and 1 sister
I need an expo marker... what do I do?
Ask Mrs. Wild and pay 3 bobcat bucks
Where should I keep my headphones?
What do I do if I come between 7:10 - 7:30 in the morning?
Put away your back pack and anything on your desk- they chose a morning bin, read a book, or work on my spelling contract
What can I say instead of "I don't know?"
Can I have some more time?
Can you repeat the question?
Can I ask a friend?
Can you say that a different way?
What does ____ mean?
What is Ms. Lindsey's favorite season?