The first rule in Ms. Love's class.
What is keep all hands, feet, and objects to yourself?
This is the way in which you should walk into Ms. Love's classroom.
What is calmly and quietly.
This is the definition of voice level zero.
Absolutely no talking.
This is the first step of what will happen if someone breaks one of Ms. Love's rules.
What is warning?
This is what the "C" stands for in the Cougars CARE Creed.
What is community.
(Give one example of how you can show that you care about Kirby's community?)
The second rule in Ms. Love's class.
What is respect others?
This is the first thing you should do when you sit down in your assigned seat. Also, this is the voice level you should be on.
What is work on your Do Now on voice level zero?
This is our new classroom and gym structure for Quarter Three.
What is: Gym on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and Classroom on Tuesdays and Thursdays?
This is the second consequence in Ms. Love's class.
What is referral warning?
This is what the "A" stands for in the Cougars CARE Creed.
What is academics?
(What is one way that you can show you care about your academics?)
The third rule in Ms. Love's class.
What is one microphone?
This is exactly what you should do if you forget a piece of paper.
What is: one at a time, write your name on the board under "paper," go to the black bin and take a piece of paper; do not erase your name off of the board.
This is our new pencil-borrowing routine:
What is:
1. Go to the board one at a time and write your name under "pencil"
2. Borrow a pencil from the blue bin
3. Give your pencil to the writing monitor when they come to collect it at the end of class
This is the third consequence in Ms. Love's class.
What is referral warning and reflection room?
This is what both the "R" and the "E" stands for in the Cougars CARE Creed.
What is: Respect and Excellence?
(What is one way that you can show respect at Kirby? Excellence?)
The fourth rule in Ms. Love's class.
What is raise your hand and wait for permission to speak or leave your seat?
This is how many pieces of paper you are allowed to borrow per week this semester.
Step by step, this is what we do when we enter the gym. (Four steps)
What is:
1. Calmly enter and place belongings on first three rows of bleachers
2. Leave any equipment out alone
3. Go to home base spot and sit down
4. Complete warm-ups in home base spot
This is what will happen if you receive a referral from Ms. Love at any point during the week.
What is you will not participate in Gym Choice Day on Fridays?
What is you will lose Cougar Cash?
These are three ways to act in the hallway when transitioning to the classroom or the gym in Ms. Love's class.
What is:
1. Single file line
2. Hands and feet to yourself
3. Remain quiet
All four rules in order in Ms. Love's class.
What is:
1. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself
2. Respect others
3. One microphone
4. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak or leave your seat
This is how we exit the classroom, step by step.
What is:
1. Ms. Love will dismiss the class by rows
2. Each row will turn in their exit ticket and line up in a single-file line by the door
3. Quietly wait until Ms. Love dismisses us from class
Step by step, this is what we do at the end of gym time each day. (Three steps)
What is:
1. Put equipment away
2. Sit in the bleachers in the designated row (boys: first two rows, girls: rows four and five)
3. Be quiet and participate in reflection conversation
This is our new classroom and gym structure for Quarter Three.
What is: Gym on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and Classroom on Tuesdays and Thursdays?
This is the definition of an objective.
What is: what you will know and be able to do by the end of class?