True/ False:
Choices for flexible seating will be drawn at the end of the day.
It's okay to leave your mess everywhere because someone else will clean it.
Ms. Hackner expects you to try your best.
We will make two (3) lines when lining up.
False! We only need 2
Students are responsible for taking care of their own materials
This is where my homework folder should stay.
This is where I can find extra supplies such as: crayons, colored pencils, rulers, etc.
Rainbow drawers in the front of the room
We are expected to be ____ and _____.
Multiple acceptable answers:
Respectful, responsible, safe, honest, a good citizen, kind, accountable etc
Yes or No:
You need to ask to go to the bathroom and get a drink of water.
We should always be _____ in the hallways.
The math and ELA workbooks are located here.
Team baskets under the windows
Whiteboards and clipboards are located here.
On the back counter in the back of the room
I am expected to try my ____.
Two (2) of the most appropriate times to use the bathroom are
Before class starts
During independent work time
During recess & lunch
Fill in the blank:
You are expected to follow school _ _ _ _ _
R u l e s
If i want to use the bean bags, floor tables, or high top in the front of the room, I should...
Ask permission :)
I turn my classwork and homework here.
The turn in basket under the windows
Homework will be _________ & _________ per week
20 minutes of reading per day & 1-2 pages of math work
After PE and recess, we line up here
On the blacktop/on the 4-square box after PE and recess
Homework is due on this day
These are the four ways I can earn classroom money
Homework, tests, jobs, team points
My unfinished or uncollected work will stay in my ______, which will be located in ________
Desk folder, green binder basket
This is the ONLY person who has access to the back cupboards.
The teacher!!!
The last 5 minutes of the day, I am expected to do these four things
All students, teachers, campus attendants, paraprofessionals, and other staff members should be treated with _____.