What day of the week does Ms. Totten stay for tutoring?
What two websites does Ms. Totten use for assignments?
eClass and Google Classroom
Should you eat food in the classroom?
What should a student do if they are late and the door is closed?
Tardy Pass (Closest to this room is C23)
A students walks over to Ms. Totten's desk (without her knowing) and takes a pen off her desk. Is she mad?
Yes. Students should NEVER be at my desk without my permission.
How often do we have test?
After every Unit
Do you need to bring your laptops to class everyday?
Is it ok to play with equipment inside the classroom without Ms. Totten's permission?
When students first come into the classroom, what's the first thing they should do?
Go to their seat and get ready for class (log into their laptop)
No. Life happens. Just keep me updated. Ms. Totten will, however, get mad IF you don't let her know and wait until two weeks after you get back to do missing work.
TRUE OR FALSE: We will talk about acids and bases second semester
TRUE OR FALSE: You forget your laptop, so you're free to not do any work that day.
FALSE. You'll either use the computer in the front of the classroom or I'll print a paper assignment for you.
TRUE OR FALSE: It's ok to walk around the classroom at any time.
When is the best time to sharpen your pencil?
Beginning of class
Ms. Totten is in the middle of teaching a lesson, and Johnny interrupts Ms. Totten to ask to use the restroom. Is she mad?
YES! Please don't interrupt me in the middle of me teaching. The appropriate time to ask is during independent work time.
What day of the week does Ms. Totten expect the previous weeks assignment to be turned in?
When is it ok to be on your cellphone?
When Ms. Totten says its ok (So independent work time/free time)
UH OH, a fire drill is happening. Should we all go crazy and push each other around?
NO. Try your best to stay close to me (I will have some sort of sign). I still have to be responsible for you all.
TRUE or FALSE: You should work on the Bell Ringer when you first get to class.
Ms. Totten is walking around the classroom and notices Jenna is looking up answers on her cellphone. Is Ms. Totten mad?
YES. That's the purpose of them giving yall laptops
What type of assignments have the biggest percentage of your overall grade?
Summative/AKS Mastery
A student has a question about an assignment after school hours. How should they ask Ms. Totten about the assignment?
email (Jessica.Totten@gcpsk12.org)
YUCK! Somebody spilled something on your desk and now you have touched it. Should you use the sinks in the classroom without telling Ms. Totten?
No. They probably won't even turn on LOL
The bell has rung and it's time to go. Should you just get up and leave without cleaning up yourself?
No. Nobody wants to clean up after you, especially me. I am your teacher, not your mother.
We are on the 5th day of talking about the periodic table. Brittany pulls Ms. Totten aside during class and says she is confused. Is Ms. Totten mad?
YES and NO!
Yes because she waited till the 5th day
No because she let me know she was struggling