Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5

What should you do when you have something you want to say?

Raise your hand.


How will you know what to do when you come to class in the morning?

Check the Smartboard!

This will tell you if you have... 

-Incomplete work to finish.

-Morning work to do.

-Or if you have the choice to read or do free fun. 


When is it NOT appropriate to sharpen your pencil with the electric pencil sharpener?

When Ms. Grace, or anyone else, is at the front of the class speaking. 


What are some examples of supplies Ms. Grace may ask you to bring to class.

-Pencil case

-Markers, pencil crayons, crayons

-Glue, scissors

- Homework duotang

-Agenda (EVERYDAY!)


What is expected of you at the end of the day?

1. Clean your workspace.

2. Put away your bins (114 only).

3. Pack up and get your belongings together

4. Complete your classroom job PROPERLY. 

5. Line up in the right line for either activities, walkers, or bussers. 

5. Do this all quickly and quietly.


What is the hand signal to tell me you need to use the bathroom?

One finger in the air. 


If you finish your morning work and all of your incomplete work, what should you do?

Silent read or free fun. 

You should NOT tell Ms. Grace I am done! You should NOT distract those around you!


While we are in independent work time, you should be walking around to chat with others and see if they need help. TRUE OR FALSE?


During independent work time, you should be quietly working by yourself. If needed, you may whisper to someone in your table group to ask for help, but it should not disrupt the rest of the class. 

What is one thing you NEED to bring to school each and every day?

Your agenda.


When lining up, what should you be doing?

Waiting quietly, facing the front of the line to limit yourself from becoming distracted.


What is the hand signal to go get water or to fill up your water bottle?

Two fingers in the air. 


How will you know what supplies you need for the day?

The supplies you will need for the day will be listed on the Smartboard. 


When you are working and have a question for Ms. Grace or another adult, what do you do? What do you NOT do?


Raise your hand and wait for an adult to come and help you. Move on to something you can do on your own if you have to wait.

OR ask someone beside you to see if they can help you if you have to wait, so you do not waste time.   


-Talk with others until Ms. Grace can help you. 

-Sit and do nothing.

-Come up to Ms. Grace while she is busy doing something else. I see you and will get to you when I can!


What should you be doing when Ms. Grace says it is time to get ready for recess?

a) continuing to work.

b) chatting with friends in le vesitiare or the class.

c) getting dressed quickly so that you do not waste recess. 

C) getting dressed quickly so that you do not waste recess. 

I will try to give you time to have extra recess every day, but it is up to you if you get it based on how quickly and efficiently you can get ready and line up quietly. 


If you choose to borrow Mr. Skolaski's books, how many should you be borrowing at a time? (new rule)

You may borrow 1-2 at a time. You need to make sure you are RETURNING these books, as they do not belong to you, and we want to make sure Mr. S can continue to let us borrow them.


Should you ever come up to Ms. Grace and ask to use the washroom or to get water?

NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Hand signals all the way!


If you do not come prepared with the supplies you need for the day, can you go to the cubbies and grab it during class?

No. You will have to manage without, or grab the supplies needed at recess and complete the work then.


You can put whatever you want in your desk/bin. It doesn't matter if it is a mess, because who cares if you lose your hard work. 



You work hard, so make sure you keep your desk/bin tidy so that you do not misplace your hard work! It is important and you should be treating it well! Toys, notes, drawings should not be in here, they should be in your bag and cubbies. 


What is something you are require to show to EVERYONE around you- including adults and kids?



When is an appropriate time to tell Ms. Grace something that isn't about schoolwork?

In the morning when you enter class, during lunch or recess, or during free time. I always want to chat but we need to make sure we are using our time wisely, so that we have more opportunities for free time and fun activities!
