Where can you find the list of supplies you need and when do you need to have them ready by?
The list is on the board and we should have them BEFORE the bell rings.
When is an appropriate time to ask to use the restroom
During independent work time, not during direct instruction
What is rule number one?
Speak with kindness and respect
What needs to be on every paper that you turn in?
Your name and the date and class period
What is Ms. Hinty's dogs name?
What do you need to start working on before or directly after the bell rings?
Bell work
When can you NOT use the restroom per school policy?
During the first and last ten minutes of class
What is rule number two?
Respect the property of the class and classmates
What do we NOT do at the end of class?
Line up at the door.
How many years has Ms. Hinty been teaching?
9! I am in my 10th year.
Where can you find the date?
On the board - upper right hand side
What do you need to do before you use the restroom?
Sign out and take the pass (ask for permission also)
What is rule three?
Give your best effort.
Where do you turn papers in?
The inbox on the shelf by the door.
Who is my favorite singer and slight obsession?
Harry Styles
When your teacher greets you, you should.....
Reply : )
What is needed on the sign out sheet?
Where can you find the class rules?
On the front wall of the classroom.
What should you NOT leave in the classroom?
What do I have A TON of in my home?
Plants and/or books!
What should you do if you do not have a pencil and when should you do it?
Write your name on the whiteboard and get a pencil BEFORE THE BELL RINGS!
What do you get when you do not use restroom passes?
King size candy bar or 10 points on a test.
What happens if you do not follow class rules?
A warning then a call or email home then a lunch detention
What are examples of what does NOT go in the recycling bin?
What are examples of what does go in the recycling bin?
Food, tissues, chip bags, plastic bags are examples of what does NOT go in the recycling bin.
Cardboard, plastic bottles, aluminum cans, paper
What did I teach before I taught math?