The person who has the bathroom or water passes is...
True or False: More than 2 games can be played on the play area outside.
false! Only 2 games can be played.
Merit/ OffPrep/ or AC: helping classmate get back on track for an assignment
True or False? If absent, I am NOT responsible for making up work.
You are responsible for making up work and checking in with your teachers.
False! Chromebooks are always away during this time.
Merit/ Offprep/ Or AC : Shoving another student into the wall coming back from recess
AC! We keep our hands and body to ourselves!
True or False - We keep our chromebooks in our desks/ pouches over night
False! You bring them home to charge each day.
Which of these options is allowed during am break? (there may be more than one!)
A) picking up trash B) seeing a counselor C) Talking with friends at my desk
A,B, and C are all correct!
False! Always ask for a pass even during lunch.
Merit/ off Prep/ AC
Off prep!
SILENT! Always.
During AM break I am allowed to get water, go to bathroom, and _____________________.
Options: A) get breakfast B) play on chromebook C) use my phone
A - get breakfast or get an extra if there are extra breakfasts!
True or False: I can share my lunch with my friends as long as I ask the teacher.
False! We are not sharing food for allergy concerns.
Merit/ Offprep/ AC : I advocate for my needs on an assignment
Our meeting spot for a fire drill or emergency is...
The field next to El potro!