How many bathroom passes do you get?
2 each nine weeks.
Tell me one of the first things you should do when you come in the class.
Read board
Put backpack on back of chair
Get supplies
How many iReady lessons does do I need to pass each week?
Two please :)
How many parent excuses can you have each semester?
Name one thing you cannot take into the bathroom with you.
Backpack, supplies, food/drinks.
True or Fals?
It is okay to interrupt teaching from adult or student to ask to go to the restroom.
Where can you get a pencil if you don't have one?
In the table bucket.
Where can you eat breakfast at?
In the cafeteria only
What chromebook # should you grab
The one that matches your desk number
Is it okay to come in the room without Mrs. Brimhall or another teacher present?
When can you use your phone?
Before 7:53 and after 3:10
How many girls/boys in the bathroom?
Name one thing that is not allowed in class!
When can you have your phone out in math class?
What kind of water bottle can you bring to school?
Clear, translucent, and plastic
True or False
I can leave whenever I want to use the bathroom
What happens after you get 3 strikes in one week?
You get a DH
How are the binders organized?
By class period
True or False:
My mom can drop off Chick-fil-a in the office for my lunch.
FALSE, sorry!