What does FBR stand for?
What is Failed Bank Requirements
How many fee's paid qualifies for Princ Promo Payoff?
What is 15+ Fees?
This process allows customers to skip a due date to the next one
What is Extended Due Date (Ext DD)
What are the 2 types of arrangements?
What is Full Balance & Settlement
What does the V in Rivo stand for?
What is Value?
Return Code for Insufficient Funds?
What is R01
Customer is eligible for this product after paying 5k fee's
What is Diamond Rate?
Customer mails/calls/emails/texts in they want to STOP all ACH payments
What is ACH Revoke
Max payments on STL arrangement?
What is 4
What is the name of our LMS?
What is Pinnacle?
What is Withdrawn
What is Second Chance Loan
Customer calls in and notifies his paycycle frequency changed
What is Permanent Move Due Date (PMDD)
How many payment plan tiers for a full balance arrangement?
What is 3
What year was Rivo Holdings LLC founded?
What is 2008?
This verification method caps at 300 for weekly paycycle frequency
What is IBV
What are the 2 softwares we use for bank statements
Decision Logic & ____
Customer just paid a fee yesterday, and now wants to payoff just principal.
What is Late Payoff?
What percentage are SCL loans eligible for when they've paid 10+ fee's?
What is 75%
Who are the C-suites?
CEO - Dan Koetting,
COO - Steve Newman
CFO - Than Thai
What's the standard due date - date range?
8-24 days from origination date
Customer is eligible for this discount after paying 18 fee's on current account
What is Write Off Promo
Customers are able to pay towards the principal before their first due date
Customer in collections for 150+ days, paid 3-5 fee's, how much % off princpal allowed for a settlement?
What is 10%
How many people are currently employed by Rivo Holdings LLC?
What is 400?