You can overcome the "fear of failure" by setting 3 to 5.....
Realistic Goals. Start small and then set a time table that challenges you to achieve.
People are not born with self-discipline it is a _______ behavior.
What is learned behavior
Perfection Paralysis can begin in childhood when you feel your never _________, so why try.
What is Good Enough
Fear of success limits a person's opportunity to do something really ________.
What is "great".
Having a goal and a written plan will allow you to better prepare for the task and will make you feel less __________.
What is overwhelmed?
What is Self-Reward system and written checklist.
Indicators that you lack self-discipline
What are a "people-pleaser, drive to be perfect, going over board in being perfect, critical of others
Suggested ways of changing your "fear of success" behavior.
What are don't compromise (values, goals, integrity), trust yourself, welcome new challenges.
Being focused on the long-term benefits of task will help _________ you.
What is motivate?
You should avoid general goals that cannot be achieved by....
What is breaking long-term goals into doable short-term goals.
Well recognized method of establishing self-discipline within 3 weeks of time.
What is the 21-day model
Being busy spreading yourself too thin is a sign that
what is perfectionism
Overthinking leads to confusion and not being able to ________.
What is make decisions
Just starting a task is one of the biggest hurdles in eliminating _______.
What is excuses?
Breaks up the monotony of working toward achievin goals
What is a Self-Reward System
Self-discipline method useful to tracking progress is a
What is a personal planner
What is Starting somewhere, re-examine, looking at the "big picture"
Surround yourself with people who possess __________ and __________.
What is positive attitudes and success mindsets.
You don’t fail at something that you actually try and put 100 percent effort with. Instead, you _______ from each attempt and become better prepared for the next challenge or task.
What is learn?
You make your self accountable by....
A Written Checklist
Prioritizing and labeling your goals by classifying them
What is the Important & Urgent model
On a daily basis, ask yourself how you are doing and change what __________.
isn't working and keep doing what is working
Creating a ________ for your life gives you specific benchmarks and milestones from which to attain success.
What is vision?
We must do the opposite of procrastination and be ___________ (making things happen and/or getting things done).
What is ¨Proactive?¨