Traditionally, the narrative is all about who?
YOU the leader.
How valuable is trust as a resourse to a leader?
"Trust is also one of the most essential forms of capital a leader has."
According to the article by Columbi, what is adaptive capacity?
It is "the ability to adapt to new settings and situations-have greater potential to persist in the face of change and surprise."
What is the process called through which an individual begins to see themselves as a leader . . . . ?
Leader Identity development.
According to Frei's article, are gender bias and systemic racism singular problems?
Not at all. She notes that "it's our shared moral and organizational imperative to create workplaces where the burdens of beingdifferent are shouldered by all of us."
What is real leadership about?
"real leadership is about your people and creting the condition for them to fully realize theri own capacity and power."
What are the three core drivers of Trust?
Authenticity, Logic, and Empathy.
What three Indigenous Pacific Northwest Historical narratives were featured in the Columbi article?
1) Grand Ronde tribla restoration of sovereignty and resilience; 2) Columbia River tribal salmon aupplementation and cultural knowledge; and, 3) the Nisqually leadership with Billy Frank Jr.
What are the three levels involved in the leadership identity development, or "identity work?"
What are the three levels involved in the leadership identity development, or "identity work?"
The three levels are:
Individual Internalization
Relational Recognition
Collective Endorsement
What "effect" comes into play between diverse and homogeneous teams?
"A phenomenon called the common information effect."
In the article by Frances Frei, what is a distinguishing impact of Empowering Leadership?
"Making sure that the impact of your leadership continues into your absence."
What term denotes a deficiency in leadership's realized and/or perceived trust component?
The term of this driver is your "trust wobble."
What were the primary tools utilized by the Grand Ronde in the face of change?
"The primary tools used by the Grand Ronde were leadership and sovereignty.
The art of introspection is a working component throughout the articles, what is the process of self-reflection encouraged in the Longman article?
Autoethnography (see page 269)
In Frei's article, what connective unit was vitally essential to produce change as indicated by the Trust, Diversity, and Team Performance chart on page 121?
"All of us have a better chance of thriving in inlusive environments," fostered by empowering leadership. "If you create conditions of trust that allow diverse team members to bring their unique perspectives and experiences to the table, you can epand the amount of knowledge your team can access and create an unbeatable advantage.
What is a significant challenge to leadership as outlined in the Longman article?
Lack of Diversity - As Burrell (2016) summarized, numerous researchers have documented the benefits of diversifying both the workforce and leadership teams.
What three elements/components were mentioned in the Frei Article as being beneficial tools to breakdown through a diagnostic approach to analyze a leaders wobble?
A skeptic, the Trust Triangle, and a reliable and honest person.
What stands out as the difference between the two groups in the second narrative?
"While tribal fishery programs view hatcheries as a tool to restore naturally reproducing populations, standard industrial hatcheries are oriented towwards increasing production for fisheries. . . . .the Nez Perce argue that they draw upon their local knowledge of salmon as well as past nowledge derived from their horse breeding activities and former resource-management practices, alldeveloped prior to Eoropean American settlement."
As an individual begins to see the emergence of a leader, what conflict might be experienced, as noted in the Cahuas article?
"The pull between what is and what should be." (page 610)
What contributes to the lack of diversity in leadership, the workforce, and upper management?
The pervasive tendency and/or stubbornness of the "status quo" to remain white and the fact that organizations do not function in a race neutral dynamic contributes to the lack of diversity.
What were the traditional components of leadership development?
They were focused on the hard and soft skills and abilities needed to be effective in producing the desired results as a leader.
What is necessary to begin moving on the path to empowerment leadership?
It begins when you start to trust yourself.
What did the third narrative reveal about the essential need for a leader to be malleable to best achieve adaptive change?
".... if social progress is to be made, a leader must keep ever focused on the ultimate objective and must transcend stereotypes, past transgressions, and even personal hurts of the most profound nature."
What is a major obstacle to leadership identity development as seen in the Cahuas article?
Fragmentation and subgroups - ".......So really just being able to come together as a group and beig able to figure out what our purpose is and how to just make our own communities better." (page 615)
What is a creative, informative, and engaging way to present course material?
JEPARDY! Thanks for playing!