Mature Male Cattle (intact)
A cow that is not producing milk, typically for the last 2 months of pregnancy.
Dry Cow
What does AI stand for in terms of cattle reproduction?
Artificial Insemination
What are the three products you get from Goats.
Method of identification that takes pieces out of an animal's ear.
Ear Notching
Mature Female Sheep
A tool used to deliver fluids directly to a calf's stomach.
Esophageal Feeder
What are the two species of beef cattle?
Hint- they both start with Bos
Bos Taurus
Bos Indicus
Name the meat from a mature goat and meat from a mature sheep.
Goats- Chevon
Sheep- Mutton
Type of Swine Operation where they raise pigs from birth until they reach market weight.
Farrow to Finish
Castrated Male Goat/Sheep
The milk storage compartment of the udder where the milk ducts funnel into. Milk is held here until milk letdown occurs.
Gland Cistern
What does EPD stand for?
Expected Progeny Difference
A sheep operation that weans lambs and sells them to feedlots.
Lamb Operation
Type of Swine Operation that births pigs and sells them at 40-50lbs (8 weeks)
Farrow to Feeder (or Farrow to Nursery)
Female Hog that has not reproduced
The portion of the udder that is known as the milk producing cell- the udder contains millions of these.
A producer that has an operation to breed animals to improve genetics. They typically have breeding stock like bulls, heifers, and cows.
Seedstock Producer
Type of sheep production system that produces large herds of sheep (over 1,000) managed by herds people.
Range Band
Name one trend occurring in the swine industry.
Improved performance, fewer but bigger farms, geographic shift, contracting, integration, specialization
Process of Pigs giving birth
This measures white blood cells in milk to determine the presence of pathogens or bacteria in milk which determines mastitis.
SCC *Somatic Cell Count
If Sire A has a birth weight EPD of 4.0 and Sire B has a birth weight EPD of -2.0. What does this tell you about both sires in terms of birth weight? Be specific.
Sire A has calves that are 4 lbs heavier than average. Sire B's calves are 2 lbs lighter than average. Sire B has a better birth weight for a heifer. There calves are overall are 6 lbs lighter than Sire A.
Name 2 unfavorable production factors of sheep.
Prices, Demand, Wool can be replaced, predators/parasites
Name 2 biosecurity practices used in swine production facilities.